tabuckner / material-dayjs-adapter

A MatDateAdapter for Dayjs
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Update dayjs-date-adapter.ts #27

Open edesr1988 opened 3 years ago

edesr1988 commented 3 years ago

update import for @angular/material/core

tabuckner commented 3 years ago

I'm wondering if this creates problems for people using earlier versions of Material.

If so I'd like to update the readme with pointers to at least two versions. Will take a look this morning.


edesr1988 commented 3 years ago

using angular v10 and corresponding material i`m getting the following error while building:

ERROR in ../node_modules/@tabuckner/material-dayjs-adapter/lib/adapter/dayjs-date-adapter.d.ts:2:29 - error TS2306: File '/node_modules/@angular/material/index.d.ts' is not a module.

2 import { DateAdapter } from '@angular/material';

might be that there will be a similar error when updating the path but using an older material version.