tabuna / breadcrumbs

Laravel Breadcrumbs - An easy way to add breadcrumbs to your @Laravel app.
MIT License
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what about resources routes? #1

Closed tsndp closed 4 years ago

tsndp commented 4 years ago

How to define and how will it render. please include in Readme.

tabuna commented 4 years ago

This is now unchanged. Same as the previous package

For example, route definition

// routes/web.php
Route::resource('photo', PhotoController::class);

And the explicit indication of breadcrumbs:

// Any service provider

// Photos
Breadcrumbs::for('photo.index', fn (Trail $trail) =>
        ->push('Photos', route('photo.index'))

// Photos > Upload Photo
Breadcrumbs::for('photo.create', fn (Trail $trail) =>
        ->push('Upload Photo', route('photo.create'))

// Photos > [Photo Name]
Breadcrumbs::for('', fn (Trail $trail, Photo $photo) =>
        ->push($photo->title, route('', $photo->id))

// Photos > [Photo Name] > Edit Photo
Breadcrumbs::for('photo.edit', fn (Trail $trail, Photo $photo) =>
    $trail->parent('', $photo)
        ->push('Edit Photo', route('photo.edit', $photo->id))
tsndp commented 4 years ago

this we can not do in routes file? we need to maintain another location

tabuna commented 4 years ago

Route files are cached, so after running the php artisan route:cache command, they will not be executed. Dave James Miller package just does use PHP function require in the service provider.

You can easily repeat this:

namespace App\Providers;

use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;

class BreadcrumbsServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
     * Bootstrap the application events.
     * @return void
    public function boot()
        require base_path('routes/breadcrumbs.php');

Then it will be your special file in the route directory:

// routes/breadcrumbs.php

// Photos
Breadcrumbs::for('photo.index', fn (Trail $trail) =>
        ->push('Photos', route('photo.index'))