tabvengers / spicy-sections

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Naming Bikeshed #49

Open davatron5000 opened 2 years ago

davatron5000 commented 2 years ago

We're getting closer to needing a more official name. There's currently ~3 frontrunners.

Please cast your vote via reaction emoji. This is now open for debate if you have other ideas.

Background: Currently <spicy-sections> usage is very, very low. Mostly in demos. The working hypothesis is people are either waiting on an official HTML element from OpenUI or at least an official "blessed" web component from OpenUI (e.g. <openui-[tbd]>).

bkardell commented 2 years ago

It strikes me that this could use a brief pitch that goes with it as it bounces outside the circles of people who have heard to points. Basically, this is a set, or a list of content with labels - sections is a good term, but maybe so is region - neither of them is potentially perfect, so we had at one point called them 'panelsets'. So, of these, regions doesn't have a lot of support so we are down to something about 'panels' or something about 'sections' and either a list or a set.

The argument for lists is that there are already other lists - unordered lists, ordered lists, and importantly - definition lists. Just like definition lists, our component requires pairs that also have a lot in common conceptually with dt/dd in that one is the 'label' and the other is the 'stuff' (the content). So <sl> is presented as maybe an oppotunity maybe to tie that into the learning and match existing learning and patterns in HTML... and also be easy to type. The truth is, none of these words are self-evident and youll have to kind of learn the above points anyway, so we can call it whatever we can explain.

sayrer commented 2 years ago

<cards>, after webOS, but all of the listed options sound fine to me as well.

donnavitan commented 2 years ago

I really like the rationale for <sl>. And maybe it makes the most logical sense to use it and to use established names. As folks get familiar with it, it'll be one of those things that couldn't be named anything else.

However, I voted for <panelset> because it closely resembles the terminology I've seen and used in the past.

davidluhr commented 2 years ago

What draws me to <panelset> is how often I see panel used in existing design systems to describe the container that accepts content for Tab, Accordion, and other patterns. It feels natural to have "set" of these "panels" as the pattern.

With <sectionlist> and <sl>, I have concerns about potential confusion with other elements:

Lastly, in terms of naming consistency, more recent HTML elements have been brief, full words (<details>, <summary>, <dialog>, etc.) instead of abbreviations. Especially with autocomplete, I think the few extra characters is well worth improved clarity.

With these considerations, <panelset> feels like an accurate description that is well suited to these criteria.