tac0turtle / squifi

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integrate NFTs #20

Closed tac0turtle closed 2 years ago

tac0turtle commented 3 years ago

Fund receipts are generalized SPL tokens. We would like to have a nft to track redemption.

tac0turtle commented 3 years ago

the SPL token contract can be treated as an NFT if you disable minting: https://spl.solana.com/token#example-create-a-non-fungible-token.

one way to do grouping here is on a deposit you mint a token(s) representing the deposit. You set mint authority to none after this initial mint. After the creation is done the fund has an array of pubkeys representing the minted nfts.

mint 100 tokens -> disable mint -> add token account to fund as a struct

Question here is how to do redemption?

Option 1

Option 2

tac0turtle commented 3 years ago

I am leaning towards option 2 for the initial version. Later on we can work on moving to NFT's that enable secondary markets with the shares