tace / jolla2gether

Client app for accessing together.jolla.com site. Implemented with QML for Sailfish.
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Feature request: TJC links opened in-app #6

Closed Valkers closed 9 years ago

Valkers commented 9 years ago

Links to other TJC threads should be opened in normal question view instead of webview / default browser. This could be done either by default or adding 3rd option to prompt when ever the clicked link starts with t.j.c.

tace commented 9 years ago

That's a good proposal, I have also considered this earlier. App could easily pick links in format: https://together.jolla.com/question/questionId/question-title/ and use app itself to open it. The only problem I have seen in this is the links that are deeper in the question pointing e.g. to exact answer like this: https://together.jolla.com/question/54157/sailfishos-open-source-collaboration-meeting-planning/#post-id-57632

So should the app: * Not pick these links at all * pick this link also but inform user that we are actually opening the whole question and not going to this exact point

Also need to consider how "deep" user can go by opening these links again from opened question etc. OR other way to do it is to replace current question with the opened one without increasing pagestack, which may be confusing when returning back to question list page to the original question (even if informing user about this). And if just increasing the pagestack and user clicks very many links on questions, then it may be frustrating to swipe a lot of pages right when returning back to the question list page. Any preference to this?

tace commented 9 years ago

I implemented this feature so that only TJC question links are picked and can be opened in jolla2gether app. Opening question from link replaces currently opened question so there is no limit how many link openings user can make. Hope it's ok. Closing this, open another one for further improvements.