tace / jolla2gether

Client app for accessing together.jolla.com site. Implemented with QML for Sailfish.
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[Feature Request] Posting/commenting #8

Open call-a3 opened 9 years ago

call-a3 commented 9 years ago

Even after several days of using the app I still haven't figured out how to post new questions/answers/comments. Either I need help figuring out the UI or this a feature that I think should be added.

tace commented 9 years ago

You are right, there is no such feature there :) This app was first developed just for browsing/viewing issues in together.jolla.com. The main reason for this is that the API provided by TJC is just read only API and there is no support for any kind of update operations.

Later I have however implemented

which all are update operations to TJC. But for these features I need to use TJC webpage itself with JavaScrip. I.e. app is using the webview for doing those and also loading many data through webview. Using webview to implement those features a bit more complicated and time consuming.

I think that posting answers/comments or even posting new questions could be possible to implement and it's number one priority already for the new features. But cannot yet promise when this will be implemented.

Markkyboy commented 9 years ago

Hi, I believe I have spotted a bug in the Together app. I'm running SF When viewing 'Users', it shows when the user joined and when they were last seen. I noticed that on many it says something like "User-x joined 1y 380d ago" - 380 days ago?. Apologies if this has already been reported. Regards,

tace commented 9 years ago

Hi, Thanks a lot for spotting this! Yes it's a bug and I fixed it #9 When you find more bugs (there are those:)), please raise a own issue for each.

DylanVanAssche commented 7 years ago

Any update on this one? This is a must have feature :)

tace commented 7 years ago

@modulebaan Sorry for late response. I did already started this feature some (long) time ago but faced some problems to implement it. And then I have not had time for this project for long time. The problem is that Askbot API does not not support any updated (it's completely read only API) and many earlier features also (like voting) I needed to implement by pure javascript on webview. That's quite laborous and get affected also whenever Jolla makes changes to jolla2gether webpage... Commenting and asnwering post is similar but there is now a problem that I cannot get javascript functions to work after my first function has changed the page and DOM is different (e.g. after clicking edit) and next function cannot find send button to click actual update to the portal.

Whenever time again, hope soon, will look into it again.

DylanVanAssche commented 7 years ago

@tace No problem :) I understand how difficult it can be. I had the same troubles when I was building Sailbook...