tachyonlabs / CodePath-Android-Bootcamp-Prework

This is my "Simple Todo" Android app prework project as part of my application to CodePath's Android for Engineers Bootcamp
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Simple Todo - Ready for Review #1

Open tachyonlabs opened 8 years ago

tachyonlabs commented 8 years ago

My app is complete, please review. /cc @codepathreview @codepath

nesquena commented 8 years ago


Looks good, this exercise is intended in part to give you an introduction to the general rhythm of this course. The course is entirely project-based with an app being assigned each week and then due the following week. Each project builds on the last to help each engineer learn the practical elements of Android development and best practices as quickly as possible. We also do a code review for each submitted project once the program begins.

The next step is to continue working on extensions to your todo app and to schedule a short 10 minute phone conversation with us. Navigate to today's date and onward from there and choose a 15-minute slot. Let us know if none of those times work.

With regards to extensions to implement, we are looking for developers with an interest in user experience and product development so be sure to focus on additional functional enhancements and/or improving the user interface of the app.

Once you select a slot, can you make sure to include best number to reach you at to the invite? Look forward to chatting soon!

tachyonlabs commented 8 years ago

Nathan Esquenazi wrote:


Looks good, this exercise is intended in part to give you an introduction to the general rhythm of this course. The course is entirely project-based with an app being assigned each week and then due the following week. Each project builds on the last to help each engineer learn the practical elements of Android development and best practices as quickly as possible. We also do a code review for each submitted project once the program begins.

The next step is to continue working on extensions to your todo app http://courses.codepath.com/snippets/intro_to_android/prework#heading-5-extending-your-todo and to schedule a short 10 minute phone conversation with us. Navigate to today's date and onward from there https://calendar.google.com/calendar/selfsched?sstoken=UURvT01vbzBza1pnfGRlZmF1bHR8NzVjYzBkN2EyZTRiOGRmYjZlZjhmMjA2N2IyMGMwYWU and choose a 15-minute slot. Let us know if none of those times work.

With regards to extensions to implement, we are looking for developers with an interest in user experience and product development so be sure to focus on additional functional enhancements and/or improving the user interface of the app.

Once you select a slot, can you make sure to include best number to reach you at to the invite? Look forward to chatting soon!

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/tachyonlabs/CodePath-Android-Bootcamp-Prework/issues/1#issuecomment-173002459.

Thank you, I just made an appointment for 11:15 tomorrow.

Tané Tachyon = tachyon@tachyonlabs.com = http://tachyonlabs.com/

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nidhi1608 commented 8 years ago

Hi Tané,

It was nice to speak with you on the phone. As I mentioned earlier, it would be great if you can work on a few extensions to your prework to maximize your chances of getting into the bootcamp. You can let us know here if you have anything for us to look at.

tachyonlabs commented 8 years ago

I just uploaded an updated version - as you can see in the readme, it now has checkboxes you can use to check off (delete) completed items, displays one of many congratulations toasts when you complete an item, and capitalizes the first letter by default when you enter an item.

nesquena commented 8 years ago

Great to see you were able to augment your app with a few extension tasks now. As mentioned earlier, the extension tasks available on each project are often the most valuable learnings since they dive deeper into common real-world Android use cases.

After reviewing your project, I'd encourage you to take a look at this guide on code organization best practices to cleanup your source code. I'd also encourage you to start tinkering with SQLite persistence and using a custom adapter in the app.

We'll be in touch with you again soon via email regarding admittance. Let me know if you have any questions about the project or anything in the meantime.

tachyonlabs commented 8 years ago

Another update -- it now uses SQLite instead of a text file to store the items. I didn't make a new Video Walkthrough because the user experience didn't change.

nesquena commented 8 years ago

Great, thanks for the update and glad to see you got a few optionals implemented including SQL. I'd encourage you to take a look at this guide on code organization best practices to better organize your source code.

We will be determining final admittance for the remaining seats as soon as we can. For those not admitted as participants, we will offer access to applicants as a remote observer cohort that has access to the materials and is able to work on the projects at their own pace.

tachyonlabs commented 8 years ago

Thanks! I just reorganized my code according to your guide.

tachyonlabs commented 8 years ago

A few more extensions - as shown in the readme, I did a custom adapter for the todoitems in the listview, added due dates, the user can now add items by tapping a floating action button (less onscreen clutter), and adding and editing items now both use EditItemActivity for consistency and, again, less clutter.

tachyonlabs commented 8 years ago

Following up on last night's commit, as shown in the readme, the user can now choose between a due date (using a datepicker) and no due date, and the items are now always sorted by due date.

nesquena commented 8 years ago

Great to see you added a number of additional optionals to the app including floating action button, using the date picker, and custom adapters. Hopefully you found the pre-work project really helpful as an introduction to both the class structure and the Android platform. We'll see you tomorrow for the first session!