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TactDoc: generate reference documentation for Tact source code #232

Open novusnota opened 5 months ago

novusnota commented 5 months ago

Basic idea follows similar formats, see JSDoc, JavaDoc or dart doc (the tool I think it should be based off of) — to be able to write documentation comments for functions, contracts, structs, etc., such that those comments would later be used to automatically generate API documentation from.

The documentation can be generated in HTML, using a static site generator, like Starlight from Astro, which would also enable Tact users to host their docs using Github Pages right from their repos!

This can be made into a standalone repo, say tact-doc, which would provide all the necessary tooling. And then, that documentation generation tool will be included into the upcoming general Tact CLI.

0kenx commented 5 months ago

Or rustdoc

novusnota commented 5 months ago

Initial prototype (using awk from GNU coreutils) was done by a community member @0kenx: https://github.com/microcosm-labs/tact-tools/tree/main/tactdoc. It's a nice first step! :fire: