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Storage vars cannot be initialized by struct instances, `emptyMap`, and slices #400

Open byakuren-hijiri opened 1 week ago

byakuren-hijiri commented 1 week ago

The following snippet cannot be compiled:

// only this test case was found by the fuzzer
struct A {
    a: Bool;
contract Test {
    s: A = A {a: false};
"<unknown>:13:14: Expected constant value, got A

And also, emptyMap() does not work:

// found after manual code inspection
contract Test {
    m: map<Int, Int> = emptyMap();

Slices don't work as well.

// found after manual code inspection
contract Test {
    sl: Slice = beginCell().endCell().asSlice();

Note that if all the above initializing expressions move to init() and use assignment, everything works.

Related: https://github.com/tact-lang/tact/issues/284