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contract in mainnet throws 9 cell underflow #661

Closed sergeipalii closed 1 month ago

sergeipalii commented 1 month ago

Working with cells is a bit confusing. simple contract in the mainnet ( EQDhBY35RWxzEsFnotxKo6v92T-b2crtrLlNsY_FBFGgWQt2 )

import "@stdlib/deploy";

contract SendToUsdt with Deployable {
  referrer: Address? = null;

  receive(msg: TokenNotification) {
    let payload = msg.forwardPayload;
    self.referrer = payload.loadAddress();

  get fun referrer(): Address? {
    return self.referrer;

message(0x7362d09c) TokenNotification {
  queryId: Int as uint64;
  amount: Int as coins;
  from: Address;
  forwardPayload: Slice as remaining;

code for sending tokens:

let forwardPayload = beginCell()

  const messageBody = beginCell()
    .storeUint(0x0f8a7ea5, 32) // opcode for jetton transfer
    .storeUint(0n, 64) // query id
    .storeCoins(1000n) // token amount
    .storeAddress(dex) // destination
    .storeAddress(sender) // response destination
    .storeBit(0) // no custom payload
    .storeCoins(toNano('0.02')) // forward amount - if >0, will send notification message
    .storeBit(1) // we store forwardPayload as a reference

  const internalMessage = internal({
      to: usdtSenderWallet.toString(),
      value: toNano('0.04'),
      bounce: true,
      body: messageBody

  await myWalletContract.sendTransfer({
      secretKey: keyPair.secretKey,
      messages: [internalMessage]

When send message contract throws 9 cell underflow:


Gusarich commented 1 month ago

The problem is same as in #659 - you don't take the "Either" bit into account in forward payload parsing.

Look at how you compose forward payload:

.storeBit(1) // we store forwardPayload as a reference

and how you read it:

self.referrer = payload.loadAddress();

You should instead read it like this:

let forwardPayload: Slice = payload.loadBool() ? payload.loadRef().beginParse() : payload;
self.referrer = forwardPayload.loadAddress();
sergeipalii commented 1 month ago

Thank you! It works.