tactcomplabs / rev

RISC-V SST CPU Component
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Using snprintf to populate buffer for rev_write segfaults #198

Open ajmandadi opened 10 months ago

ajmandadi commented 10 months ago

Describe the bug To print a variable from inside rev, we use snprintf to populate a buffer. But this causes a segfault inside rev's calcphysaddr.

To Reproduce

Expected behavior To print the value 98


RevCPU[cpu:DecodeInst:147000]: Core 0; Hart 0; Thread 1; PC:InstPayload = 0x13afc:0x97ba7722
RevCPU[cpu:clockTick:148000]: Cycle: 148
RevCPU[cpu:DecodeInst:148000]: Core 0; Hart 0; Thread 1; PC:InstPayload = 0x13afe:0x439c97ba
RevCPU[cpu:clockTick:149000]: Cycle: 149
RevCPU[cpu:DecodeInst:149000]: Core 0; Hart 0; Thread 1; PC:InstPayload = 0x13b00:0x8782439c
 | BaseAddr:  0x3ffffc00 | TopAddr: 0x40000000 | Size: 1024 Bytes
 | BaseAddr:  0x10000 | TopAddr: 0x1f000 | Size: 61440 Bytes
 | BaseAddr:  0x1f000 | TopAddr: 0x21000 | Size: 8192 Bytes
 | BaseAddr:  0x3feffc00 | TopAddr: 0x3ffffc00 | Size: 1048576 Bytes
FATAL: RevCPU[cpu:CalcPhysAddr:149000]: Segmentation Fault: Virtual address 0x130 (PhysAddr = 0xffffffffffffffff) was not found in any mem segments
SST Fatal Backtrace Information:
    0 : sst(_ZNK3SST6Output5fatalEjPKcS2_iS2_z+0x3d9) [0x53abf9]
    1 : /nethome/amandadi3/rev_latest/rev/src/librevcpu.so(_ZN3SST6RevCPU6RevMem12CalcPhysAddrEmm+0x3f0) [0x7f5b581d08f8]
    2 : /nethome/amandadi3/rev_latest/rev/src/librevcpu.so(_ZN3SST6RevCPU6RevMem7ReadMemEjmmPvRKNS0_6MemReqEj+0x78) [0x7f5b581d2802]
    3 : /nethome/amandadi3/rev_latest/rev/src/librevcpu.so(_ZN3SST6RevCPU6RevMem7ReadValIjEEbjmPT_RKNS0_6MemReqEj+0x4d) [0x7f5b58246067]
    4 : /nethome/amandadi3/rev_latest/rev/src/librevcpu.so(_ZN3SST6RevCPU4loadIiEEbPNS0_10RevFeatureEPNS0_10RevRegFileEPNS0_6RevMemENS0_7RevInstE+0x426) [0x7f5b58239bf3]
    5 : /nethome/amandadi3/rev_latest/rev/src/librevcpu.so(_ZN3SST6RevCPU5RV32I3clwEPNS0_10RevFeatureEPNS0_10RevRegFileEPNS0_6RevMemENS0_7RevInstE+0x75) [0x7f5b58223667]
    6 : /nethome/amandadi3/rev_latest/rev/src/librevcpu.so(_ZN3SST6RevCPU6RevExt7ExecuteEjRKNS0_7RevInstEtPNS0_10RevRegFileE+0x155) [0x7f5b581c5fd3]
    7 : /nethome/amandadi3/rev_latest/rev/src/librevcpu.so(_ZN3SST6RevCPU7RevProc9ClockTickEm+0xa29) [0x7f5b58218655]
    8 : /nethome/amandadi3/rev_latest/rev/src/librevcpu.so(_ZN3SST6RevCPU6RevCPU9clockTickEm+0xdf) [0x7f5b58159be1]
    9 : /nethome/amandadi3/rev_latest/rev/src/librevcpu.so(_ZN3SST10SSTHandlerIbmNS_6RevCPU6RevCPUEvE13operator_implEm+0x71) [0x7f5b581c4d21]
   10 : sst(_ZN3SST5Clock7executeEv+0x14a) [0x4f484a]
   11 : sst(_ZN3SST15Simulation_impl3runEv+0x1cb) [0x557ceb]
   12 : sst() [0x4dfd01]
   13 : sst(main+0x6eb) [0x4c609b]
   14 : /lib64/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xe5) [0x7f5b6edb2d85]
   15 : sst(_start+0x2e) [0x4def5e]

Additional context Attached the binary's objdump as well and looks like the PC during failure (0x13b00) is a LOAD instruction inside the snprint function call. Code compiled with below command with compressed instruction enabled - "/opt/riscv/bin/riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc" -march=rv64imafdc -O0 -o revprint.exe rev_print.c -static. code.tar.gz

ajmandadi commented 10 months ago

in this test case, i'm using snprintf which is a compressed instruction so removing the them throws an error that "Compressed instructions not enabled!". Hence unsure if this is also a side effect of compressed instructions problem.

donofrio commented 10 months ago

When running this test against this branch, which fixes compressed instructions,: https://github.com/tactcomplabs/rev/tree/TestDbg we no longer see the failure. This branch currently has a vexing memory corruption issue preventing it from being merged to devel, but the changes here should fix this issue when merged

ajmandadi commented 10 months ago

Probably still being worked on but just wanted to update that I tested it out on the above branch, and though i dont see a crash anymore, there is no print to console i.e the ECALL to rev_write doesnt seem to have been made.

leekillough commented 2 months ago

Not reproducible anymore. Probably fixed by https://github.com/tactcomplabs/rev/pull/298, https://github.com/tactcomplabs/rev/pull/296 and https://github.com/tactcomplabs/rev/pull/288.