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Automatically name photos/attachments from replies #127

Open tillprochaska opened 4 years ago

tillprochaska commented 4 years ago

As an editor I want photos/attachments from replies to automatically add the contributor’s name to the file in order to be able to sort attachments by contributors names.

(See #112)

Example: Given a contributor "Max Mustermann" and the id "123" Given a request with the id "456" When the contributor replies with 3 photos, they should be named:

That way, photos will always be sorted by request first, then by user - even when you download and save them to your computer. Plus, it’s easy to find the associated conversation in 100eyes with the information from the filename alone – just go to /users/456/requets/123.

An alternative naming scheme: max-mustermann-{id}.jpg where id is unique across all photos.

tillprochaska commented 3 years ago

Here’s some additional background on this story based on our user research:

Most newsroom use some kind of tool/software to manage photos and other non-text media. These tools are often different from the CMS used to publish contents to the website or other digital channels. The software allows editors to tag photo (i.e. add meta data). Meta data includes the photographer’s name, image descriptions, copyright notices etc.

Most professional photographers add meta data to their photos before sending it to newsrooms, i.e. the meta data is embedded in the actual image files, not only stored in the tool the news room uses. How exactly the meta data is stored (and what meta data newsroom software is able to read) probably varies, however, IPTC seems to quite common (and is, for example, used to add meta data to the photos published by LZ). We can also send a sample image file to Anna from LZ to check if the software they use supports certain types of meta data.

Exif and IPTC meta data can also be viewed using the file viewers on most operating systems (Windows and macOS support that, I’m not sure about Linux distros).

Optimally, editors should be able to export/download photos and then and import them to their newsroom software without having to manually add meta data. If possible with reasonable effort, I think it would therefore be preferable to have the meta data embedded in the files (instead of adding the data to the file name only). However, even then, it might be good to have more readable/sensible names for downloaded files. (Right now, files are simply named file_xy where xy is some number.)