tactivos / grunt-cdn

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allow adding custom supportedTypes #48

Open unkstar opened 10 years ago

unkstar commented 10 years ago

I develop this feature because I have to put a web worker's script on CDN, and inspired by pattern option from grunt-usemin

new option work like this:

    //define worker type
    function Worker_cdn() {

    Worker_cdn.prototype = {
        run : function() {
            var self = this;
            return this.buffer.replace(/new\s+Worker\(\s*['"]([^"']+)['"]/gm, function(match, url) {
                return match.replace(url, self._replace(url));
    //and add it to supported type

    cdn: {
            options: {
            dist: {
                src: [
                    '<%= yeoman.dist %>/*.html',
                    '<%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts/*.js'

This patch let user inherit from Job interface directly, this give user great flexibility, or maybe too much? Job._replace may need a better name too.

unkstar commented 10 years ago

4dadf75 fix the same problem as #45 , I prefer #45 than my own solution, please pull #45 intead

By the way, I can't find a reasonable way to write a test on this feature in orignial tests framework, it need a fully functioning grunt to work.