tactivos / grunt-htmlrefs

Replaces (or removes) references to non-optimized scripts or stylesheets on HTML files
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Need to concatenate assets also #8

Open skotchio opened 11 years ago

skotchio commented 11 years ago

First I want to thank you for the plugin, it very useful for me. But I don't see that you do something with assets that between build and enduild blocks. All you are doing is changing path url to a new assets that don't exist yet.


to: <!script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/compiled/murally.js">

But /static/js/compiled/murally.js does't exists. You need to concatenate all scripts to a single file.

johnnyhalife commented 11 years ago

Hi @vovan22,

@sindre has just put together support for CSS inlining like this

    <!-- build:inlinecss /static/css/compiled.css -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/css/development.css" />
    <!-- endbuild -->  

If you need JS-minification you can start off his work and submit a pull-request that I'll be happy to integrate!

Thanks! ~johnny