taers232c / GAMADV-XTD3

Command line tool to manage Google Workspace
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Chat Documentation Missing Parameters #364

Closed chromestrong closed 1 year ago

chromestrong commented 1 year ago

The documentation for this command appears to be missing some parameters.


taers232c commented 1 year ago

What do you believe is missing?

chromestrong commented 1 year ago

After reviewing it for the second time, its just confusing since chatmemberlist is not a list of chatmembers, its a list of chatmembers and their spaces.

taers232c commented 1 year ago
<ChatMember> ::= spaces/<String>/members/<String>
<ChatMemberList> ::= "<ChatMember>(,<ChatMember>)*"

That's how the API identifies a member, you are a member of a space (or many spaces)

taers232c commented 1 year ago

What are you trying to achieve?

chromestrong commented 1 year ago

As part of offboarding we want to remove a user from all of their chat spaces (just space types) and this command at first glance looks like you can provide just a user or list of users and it will remove them from all of their spaces.

taers232c commented 1 year ago

This will delete the user from the SPACEs to which it belongs.

gam redirect csv ./UserChatSpaces.csv user user@domain.com print chatspaces types space,groupchat

gam redirect stdout ./DeleteUserChatMemberships.txt multiprocess redirect stderr stdout csv ./UserChatSpaces.csv gam user "~User" delete chatmember "~name" user "~User"

You can't delete a DirectMessage chat of which you are a member and you can't delete yourself from a DirectMessage chat