taers232c / GAMADV-XTD3

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"info user ... grouptree formatjson" does not include grouptree info #383

Closed daethnir closed 3 weeks ago

daethnir commented 8 months ago

Example: gam info user user@example.com formatjson | jq . > /tmp/nogrouptree vs gam info user user@example.com grouptree formatjson | jq . > /tmp/grouptree

The latter does not include any group section at all

$diff /tmp/nogrouptree /tmp/grouptree
<   "groups": [
<     {
<       "email": "somegroup@example.com",
<       "name": "some group"
<     },
<   ],
taers232c commented 8 months ago

grouptree is ignored when formatjson is specified gam info user user@example.com grouptree formatjson | jq . > /tmp/grouptree

groups is allowed when formatjson is specified; it just gives the direct memberships gam info user user@example.com groups formatjson | jq . > /tmp/grouptree

What's your objective?

daethnir commented 8 months ago

My objective is to get that great great great grouptree data in a programatic way, and json is very good for making data available to tools, while unformatted text is not as reliable or forward-proof.

taers232c commented 8 months ago

Send me a Meet/Zoom invitation to discuss.

taers232c commented 8 months ago

What would you want the JSON to look like?

daethnir commented 8 months ago

Say this was your group hierarchy for a user:

    foo-team@example.com: Foo Team
    bar-team@example.com: Bar Team
    misc-ord@example.com: Chicago Misc
        misc-us@example.com: US Misc
            everyone@example.com: Everyone
    role-contractor@example.com: Role Contractor
        role-people@example.com: All People
        contractors-announce@example.com: Announce list for contractors

then I think this would make sense for the json:

  "groups": {
    "foo-team@example.com": {},
    "bar-team@example.com": {},
    "misc-ord@example.com": {
        "misc-us@example.com": {
              "everyone@example.com": {}
    "role-contractor@example.com": {
        "role-people@example.com": {},
        "contractors-announce@example.com": {}

You don't care about ordering, but you do care about composition. So use dictionaries everywhere. An empty dict as a value means there are no parents of that group. If there is a dict value then it's the parent (potentially multiple layers deep) of the group in question.

The group email address is important, the name could be just discarded.

taers232c commented 8 months ago

$ gam select jay info user ross quick grouptree primaryemail User: ross@s.jaylee.us Settings: Group Membership Tree: admins@s.jaylee.us: Admin Group rossgroup@s.jaylee.us: Ross Group testgroup2@s.jaylee.us: Test Group 2 rossgroup@s.jaylee.us: Ross Group testgroup@s.jaylee.us: Test Group rossgroup@s.jaylee.us: Ross Group testgroup2@s.jaylee.us: Test Group 2 rossgroup@s.jaylee.us: Ross Group

Run the output thru jq $ gam select jay info user ross quick grouptree primaryemail formatjson {"groups": [{"email": "admins@s.jaylee.us", "name": "Admin Group", "parents": []}, {"email": "rossgroup@s.jaylee.us", "name": "Ross Group", "parents": []}, {"email": "testgroup2@s.jaylee.us", "name": "Test Group 2", "parents": [{"email": "rossgroup@s.jaylee.us", "name": "Ross Group", "parents": []}]}, {"email": "testgroup@s.jaylee.us", "name": "Test Group", "parents": [{"email": "rossgroup@s.jaylee.us", "name": "Ross Group", "parents": []}, {"email": "testgroup2@s.jaylee.us", "name": "Test Group 2", "parents": [{"email": "rossgroup@s.jaylee.us", "name": "Ross Group", "parents": []}]}]}], "primaryEmail": "ross@s.jaylee.us"}

daethnir commented 8 months ago

Yeah, that's a good format, and it includes the metadata some folks might like, and empty parents array is more intuitive than empty dict. I like it.

IIRC there's a "gam show grouptree" that could also use formatjson magic.

taers232c commented 8 months ago

6.65.05 - all grouptree commands now have formatjson