tafia / calamine

A pure Rust Excel/OpenDocument SpreadSheets file reader: rust on metal sheets
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Fail to parse spreadsheet with only VBA function #319

Closed lsoranco closed 1 year ago

lsoranco commented 1 year ago

A very simple spreadsheet with a VBA function and this code in the main rust function

    let path = format!("{}\\Pasta1.xls", env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"));
    let mut workbook: Xls<_> = open_workbook(path)?;

Is not correctly parsed, producing the result Error: Xls(Vba(Cfb(CodePageNotFound(1033))))

tafia commented 1 year ago

This codepage indeed doesn't exist. It'll be hard to debug without a file.

lsoranco commented 1 year ago

I am considering how would be the better way to transmit you a file. I will get back to this when I have decided that

dimastbk commented 1 year ago

@lsoranco can you test your file with version from #325?