tafia / calamine

A pure Rust Excel/OpenDocument SpreadSheets file reader: rust on metal sheets
MIT License
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xls wrong value of referenced string starts by the Apostrophe symbol (') #333

Closed ahah43 closed 1 year ago

ahah43 commented 1 year ago


for .XLS files, it is found that wrong value is returned for any cell referencing other string cell.


this error is NOT found when reading from .XLSX files processed by the exact same code (see the rust code attached below). This error occurred using Calamine 0.21.1


  1. xlsx_ref_String.xlsx
  2. xls_ref_String.xls
use calamine::{open_workbook_auto, Reader};
use std::io::Error;
fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    let this_sheet = "Sheet1";
    // try both the xls and xlsx versions
    for excel_file in ["xls_ref_String.xls", "xlsx_ref_String.xlsx"] {
        let mut workbook = open_workbook_auto(excel_file).expect("Cannot open file");
        println!("File: {:?} are: \n", excel_file);
        // extracting values
        if let Some(Ok(r)) = workbook.worksheet_range(this_sheet) {
            for used_cell in r.used_cells() {
                    "\tValue: A{:?} = {:?}",
                    used_cell.0, used_cell.2

See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html

[dependencies] calamine = "0.21.1"

- screenshots of the excel files (same for both the xls and xlsx versions)
![excel screenshot](https://github.com/tafia/calamine/assets/5351850/0e818f2d-2e29-4479-b20b-59a99d287199)

- A snapshot of the program results.
![output scrrenshot](https://github.com/tafia/calamine/assets/5351850/71e603f7-a213-4705-bf7f-efa39674ee5b)