tafia / calamine

A pure Rust Excel/OpenDocument SpreadSheets file reader: rust on metal sheets
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Error while attempting to read formulas from simple XLSX file #446

Open ypamine opened 3 days ago

ypamine commented 3 days ago


I am using Rust v 1.79 on M2 MacBook Pro and testing Calamine v 0.25.0.

While attempting to read the formulas from the simple attached XLSX file, the following error occurs:

error while getting formula: Xlsx(RangeWithoutColumnComponent)

This was working with previous version 0.23.1.

The code, directly taken from the GitHub page examples, is:

use calamine::{Reader, open_workbook_auto, Data};

fn main() {
    // opens a new workbook
    let path = "book_nok.xlsx"; // we do not know the file type
    let mut workbook = open_workbook_auto(path).expect("Cannot open file");

    // Read whole worksheet data and provide some statistics
    if let Ok(range) = workbook.worksheet_range("Sheet1") {
        let total_cells = range.get_size().0 * range.get_size().1;
        let non_empty_cells: usize = range.used_cells().count();
        println!("Found {} cells in 'Sheet1', including {} non empty cells",
                total_cells, non_empty_cells);
        // alternatively, we can manually filter rows
        assert_eq!(non_empty_cells, range.rows()
            .flat_map(|r| r.iter().filter(|&c| c != &Data::Empty)).count());

    // Now get all formula!
    let sheets = workbook.sheet_names().to_owned();
    for s in sheets {
        println!("found {} formula in '{}'",
                    .expect("error while getting formula")
                    .rows().flat_map(|r| r.iter().filter(|f| !f.is_empty()))

The XLSX file is attached.

I hope this helps.
