tag1consulting / goose

Load testing framework, inspired by Locust
Apache License 2.0
791 stars 70 forks source link

Fix redundant help #483

Closed jeremyandrews closed 2 years ago

jeremyandrews commented 2 years ago

The following runtime options are available when launching a Goose load test:

 - closes https://github.com/tag1consulting/goose/issues/482
 - NOTE: this is built on top of another PR which needs to be merged first to properly see the changes in this PR https://github.com/tag1consulting/goose/pull/477
 - the full help output now looks as follows:

% cargo run --release --example simple -- -h Compiling goose v0.16.2-dev (~/devel/goose) Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 10.56s Running target/release/examples/simple -h Usage: target/release/examples/simple [OPTIONS]

Goose is a modern, high-performance, distributed HTTP(S) load testing tool, written in Rust. For more information visit https://book.goose.rs/

The following runtime options are available when launching a Goose load test:

Optional arguments: -h, --help Displays this help -V, --version Prints version information -l, --list Lists all transactions and exits

-H, --host HOST Defines host to load test (ie -u, --users USERS Sets concurrent users (default: number of CPUs) -r, --hatch-rate RATE Sets per-second user hatch rate (default: 1) -s, --startup-time TIME Starts users for up to (30s, 20m, 3h, 1h30m, etc) -t, --run-time TIME Stops load test after (30s, 20m, 3h, 1h30m, etc) -G, --goose-log NAME Enables Goose log file and sets name -g, --log-level Increases Goose log level (-g, -gg, etc) -q, --quiet Decreases Goose verbosity (-q, -qq, etc) -v, --verbose Increases Goose verbosity (-v, -vv, etc)

Metrics: --running-metrics TIME How often to optionally print running metrics --no-reset-metrics Doesn't reset metrics after all users have started --no-metrics Doesn't track metrics --no-transaction-metrics Doesn't track transaction metrics --no-scenario-metrics Doesn't track scenario metrics --no-print-metrics Doesn't display metrics at end of load test --no-error-summary Doesn't display an error summary --report-file NAME Create an html-formatted report --no-granular-report Disable granular graphs in report file -R, --request-log NAME Sets request log file name --request-format FORMAT Sets request log format (csv, json, raw, pretty) --request-body Include the request body in the request log -T, --transaction-log NAME Sets transaction log file name --transaction-format FORMAT Sets log format (csv, json, raw, pretty) -S, --scenario-log NAME Sets scenario log file name --scenario-format FORMAT Sets log format (csv, json, raw, pretty) -E, --error-log NAME Sets error log file name --error-format FORMAT Sets error log format (csv, json, raw, pretty) -D, --debug-log NAME Sets debug log file name --debug-format FORMAT Sets debug log format (csv, json, raw, pretty) --no-debug-body Do not include the response body in the debug log --no-status-codes Do not track status code metrics

Advanced: --test-plan "TESTPLAN" Defines a more complex test plan ("10,60s;0,30s") --iterations ITERATIONS Sets how many times to run scenarios then exit --no-telnet Doesn't enable telnet Controller --telnet-host HOST Sets telnet Controller host (default: --telnet-port PORT Sets telnet Controller TCP port (default: 5116) --no-websocket Doesn't enable WebSocket Controller --websocket-host HOST Sets WebSocket Controller host (default: --websocket-port PORT Sets WebSocket Controller TCP port (default: 5117) --no-autostart Doesn't automatically start load test --no-gzip Doesn't set the gzip Accept-Encoding header --timeout VALUE Sets per-request timeout, in seconds (default: 60) --co-mitigation STRATEGY Sets coordinated omission mitigation strategy --throttle-requests VALUE Sets maximum requests per second --sticky-follow Follows base_url redirect with subsequent requests

Gaggle: --manager Enables distributed load test Manager mode --expect-workers VALUE Sets number of Workers to expect --no-hash-check Tells Manager to ignore load test checksum --manager-bind-host HOST Sets host Manager listens on (default: --manager-bind-port PORT Sets port Manager listens on (default: 5115) --worker Enables distributed load test Worker mode --manager-host HOST Sets host Worker connects to (default: --manager-port PORT Sets port Worker connects to (default: 5115)