taglia / HandBrakeBatch

Encode video in batch mode using HandBrake
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Handbrake command #44

Open phathak opened 7 years ago

phathak commented 7 years ago


I'm looking to make a script with a basic for loop that iterates through a folder using user presets. Right now it seems to be bypassing the "--preset -Z" option when using a user preset. Would you be able to tell me what's wrong with this command? Since your app handles user presets pretty well, I thought you could share the way you do it.

Thank you

for file in /Volumes/Medias/To_Compress/To_Do/*
do /Applications/HandBrake.app/Contents/MacOS/HandBrakeCLI -v -i "$file" -o ./Compressed/"$file".converted.mkv -Z "High Profile" ;