taglia3 / TGLParallaxCarousel

A lightweight 3D Linear Carousel with parallax effect
MIT License
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How to hide repeating items at the end ? #17

Open gchoudhary26 opened 7 years ago

gchoudhary26 commented 7 years ago

I don't want to show the items at the end when all the items are scrolled, now there are two item shown again after i scroll to last item.

Gorcyn commented 7 years ago

The "bug" is on your side.

I just had a similar problem and could see that the carouselItems:[TGLParallaxCarouselItem] var of the TGLParallaxCarousel is never cleared. Indeed, each call to reloadData appends to this array. I ended with 3 items just having one to show.

It would be useful to have a way to clear it (it could do it by itself).

A PR may come