tagomoris / fluent-plugin-parser

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Create a filter version of this plugin? #19

Closed kiyoto closed 8 years ago

kiyoto commented 9 years ago

This plugin is very useful in general, but even more so if it can be used as a filter. The reason is that it allows the user to apply multiple parsers one by one:

<filter foo>
  type parser
  format /first regex/
  reserve_keys true

<filter foo>
  type parser
  format /second regex/
  reserver_keys true

We need to think about how to handle parse errors. (like the "suppress_parse_error" parameter in the current output plugin version). But in general, I'd love to see this as a filter as well.

tagomoris commented 9 years ago

Now we have #emit_error_event method to emit events w/ parse errors, for Fluentd v0.12. I'll write filter plugin version if more requests exist :)

kiyoto commented 9 years ago

:+1: this would make grok_filter a piece of cake!

bpesics commented 9 years ago


tagomoris commented 8 years ago

It's already implemented and released as v0.6.0, ...but i found that there's no documentation about it. @cosmo0920 do you have time to add it?

cosmo0920 commented 8 years ago

OK, I'll add it.

tagomoris commented 8 years ago

25 merged. Done!