tagomoris / fluent-plugin-secure-forward

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Fluentd 14.0. v SSLErrorWaitReadable error with SecureForward plugin #43

Closed vishnuvgdemos closed 8 years ago

vishnuvgdemos commented 8 years ago

I tried using Fluentd v 14.0.1 with

ruby 2.2.2p95 (2015-04-13 revision 50295) [x86_64-linux](Installed using RhRuby 2.2) OpenSSL 1.0.1e-fips 11 Feb 2013

I am getting error [Fluent::SecureForwardOutput] SSLError error_class=OpenSSL::SSL::SSLErrorWaitReadable error=# mtime=2016-07-25 08:34:52 +0000 host="" port=24284

Fluentd using fluent-plugin-secure-forward' version '0.4.2 with the correct certificates to transfer the data from forwarder to aggregator. But the above issue is happening even after updating the openssl versions to latest one.

repeatedly commented 8 years ago

Also refer to https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/fluentd/amHr3W2qMKc out_secure_forward should catch OpenSSL::SSL::SSLErrorWaitReadable and retry.

tagomoris commented 8 years ago

Can you see where that error was raised from? As far as I checked, that error should be rescued by these code: https://github.com/tagomoris/fluent-plugin-secure-forward/blob/master/lib/fluent/plugin/output_node.rb#L294 https://github.com/tagomoris/fluent-plugin-secure-forward/blob/master/lib/fluent/plugin/output_node.rb#L314 https://github.com/tagomoris/fluent-plugin-secure-forward/blob/master/lib/fluent/plugin/output_node.rb#L345

vishnuvgdemos commented 8 years ago

Hi Tagomoris,

The warning is happening at forwarder level.

The warning which I mentioned [Fluent::SecureForwardOutput] SSLError error_class=OpenSSL::SSL::SSLErrorWaitReadable error=# mtime=2016-07-25 08:34:52 +0000 host="" port=24284 is getting at forwarders.

At the aggregator I can see from the trace that the forwarder was able to connect to aggregator , but no data transfer happening through secure forward plugin. And on the forwarder its showing warning " [Fluent::SecureForwardOutput] SSLError error_class=OpenSSL::SSL::SSLErrorWaitReadable error=# mtime=2016-07-25 08:34:52 +0000 host="" port=24284"

More Details

The version is 'fluent-plugin- version secure-forward' '0.4.2'

tagomoris commented 8 years ago

@vishnuvg1984 Thank you for responding my question. What I need is full backtrace (if exists), or raw log whole line which includes the message you pasted. Could you paste it?

vishnuvgdemos commented 8 years ago

Hi Tagomoris,

@tagomoris Thanks, Sure I can attach both the forwarder and aggregator tracelog . Please find the attached files AggregatorLog.txt ForwarderLog.txt

Also Please find the environment version details.

Forwarder & Aggregator OS : CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core) FLuentdv 14.0.1 Open SSL : OpenSSL 1.0.1e-fips 11 Feb 2013

Please let me know if require any other details.

tagomoris commented 8 years ago

Oh, are you mentioning about trace logs? It's very normal and are handled by out_secure_forward code. There are no problem. Trace logs are printed to know where or when problems occurs, and that SSLError you mentioned doesn't cause any problems.

I think the problem you have is completely different one (like: any events are not transferred from forwarder to aggregator even when connection established). Please re-check your tag matching in forwarder configuration file, or insert <match *.**> @type stdout</match> to show events in your forwarder processes.

This case is not a bug, nor any problems.

briandeheus commented 8 years ago

I'm having the same issue as @vishnuvg1984. I've added a match to stdout and can confirm the messages are showing up in the log files of the forwarder.

Other than that there is a whole lot of:

2016-08-23 23:55:18 -0400 fluent.trace: {"error_class":"OpenSSL::SSL::SSLErrorWaitReadable","error":"#<OpenSSL::SSL::SSLErrorWaitReadable: read would block>","mtime":"2016-08-23 23:49:59 -0400","host":"xxx.xxx.jp","port":24284,"message":"SSLError error_class=OpenSSL::SSL::SSLErrorWaitReadable error=#<OpenSSL::SSL::SSLErrorWaitReadable: read would block> mtime=2016-08-23 23:49:59 -0400 host=\"xxx.xxx.jp\" port=24284"}

using a similar setup as @vishnuvg1984

emayssat-ms commented 8 years ago

Same issue here, when log_level is set to trace. Although that may not be an issue, the log file is then meaningless since this message is hiding other meaningful ones.

jonapich commented 7 years ago

Same discovery on my end; tried enabling -vv to get some trace for another problem and the output is completely flooded with these messages.

@tagomoris any chance we can get fewer messages or something? :(