Open tagomoris opened 3 years ago
The method to register error handlers:
def error(*codes, &block)
args = compile! "ERROR", /.*/, block
codes = codes.flat_map(&method(:Array))
codes << Exception if codes.empty?
codes << Sinatra::NotFound if codes.include?(404)
codes.each { |c| (@errors[c] ||= []) << args }
The compiler of handlers:
def compile!(verb, path, block, **options)
# Because of
host_name(options.delete(:host)) if options.key?(:host)
# Pass Mustermann opts to compile()
route_mustermann_opts = options.key?(:mustermann_opts) ? options.delete(:mustermann_opts) : {}.freeze
options.each_pair { |option, args| send(option, *args) }
pattern = compile(path, route_mustermann_opts)
method_name = "#{verb} #{path}"
unbound_method = generate_method(method_name, &block)
conditions, @conditions = @conditions, []
wrapper = block.arity != 0 ?
proc { |a, p| unbound_method.bind(a).call(*p) } :
proc { |a, p| unbound_method.bind(a).call }
[ pattern, conditions, wrapper ]
Because all routes/filters/middlewares/extensions/errors(error handlers) are stored as class instance variable. And those values are sometimes Proc objects or unbound methods dynamically created with contexts. We need to rewrite Sinatra entirely if we want to run it on Ractor.