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Errors when using subgroupAnalysis function #4

Open hhchang0210 opened 1 year ago

hhchang0210 commented 1 year ago


I got a problem when using subgroupAnalysis function. The R code is: `res.cox = coxph(Surv(discharge_death_365days_duration, discharge_death_365days==1)~ metformin+aki_stage+Age+gender+ HTN+CKD+CHF+LC+CVA+COPD+hyperlipidemia+IHD+ SOFA_score+heart_rate_mean+mbp_mean+resp_rate_mean+ spo2_mean+hemoglobin_mean+platelets_mean+wbc_mean+aniongap_mean+ bicarbonate_mean+bun_mean+chloride_mean+ creatinine_mean+sodium_mean+potassium_mean+ GCS+charlson_comorbidity_index+ward+ ethnicity+insurance_new+vasopressor, data=mydata_1) res.cox

sub_cox_adj <- subgroupAnalysis(res.cox, mydata_1, treatment="metformin", subgroups=c( "HTN" ) )`

The error message is: Error in anova.coxphlist(object, test = test) : models were not all fit to the same size of dataset In addition: Warning message: In anova.coxphlist(object, test = test) : Models with response c(" 1)", " 1)") removed because response differs from model 1

How could I fix it? Thank you.