tagyoureit / nodejs-poolController

An application to control pool equipment from various manufacturers.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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VF pump not working #355

Closed omo22 closed 3 years ago

omo22 commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is. VF pump pool button start pump and stop works but irregular may or may not respond to click the Watt and flow are not displayed NOTHING showing, cant change flow rate To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to '...'
  2. Click on '....'
  3. Scroll down to '....'
  4. See error

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Packet Capture will add them,saved on phone but difficult to find, will re do using laptop Follow the instructions to complete a packet capture and attach the resulting zip/log files.

Pool Equipment stand alone RPI3 connected to VF pump

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

rstrouse commented 3 years ago

We will need to see a packet capture for this. If the wattage and flow are not appearing it is likely that we are not sending the override correctly. When you look at the pump does it say display not active.

omo22 commented 3 years ago

YES it say display not active.

rstrouse commented 3 years ago

Please upload a replay. I need to see the messages we are sending to the pump. In talking with @tagyoureit it appears that VF pumps may need some differences in the communications. Sometimes it is a little rough because we don't have a particular piece of equipment but it will be telling if we can see the response messages from your pump.

omo22 commented 3 years ago

replay (13).zip

omo22 commented 3 years ago

again only function is ON OFF pump but WITH 10 sec DELAY in response for some reasons may able to fix that as well? Thanks

tagyoureit commented 3 years ago

Your pump is actively rejecting the packets I'm sending. I did push up a small change which you should grab, and that might help.

Can you validate the exact model pump that you have, please?

omo22 commented 3 years ago

Pentair intelliflo 011012 VF

tagyoureit commented 3 years ago

When you do your next packet capture, can you start the capture and then stop njsPC. Wait until the pump display does not say inactive, and then restart njsPC. I want to see what happens when we first try to communicate with the pump.

omo22 commented 3 years ago

What is best way to stop njsPC while capturing not affected?

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 12, 2021, at 11:40 AM, tagyoureit @.***> wrote:

When you do your next packet capture, can you start the capture and then stop njsPC. Wait until the pump display does not say inactive, and then restart njsPC. I want to see what happens when we first try to communicate with the pump.

— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/tagyoureit/nodejs-poolController/issues/355#issuecomment-941132176, or unsubscribehttps://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AFQSSLDLI4A6M3OI4DFIDETUGRJHRANCNFSM5FXDCC3A. Triage notifications on the go with GitHub Mobile for iOShttps://apps.apple.com/app/apple-store/id1477376905?ct=notification-email&mt=8&pt=524675 or Androidhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.github.android&referrer=utm_campaign%3Dnotification-email%26utm_medium%3Demail%26utm_source%3Dgithub.

omo22 commented 3 years ago

replay (14).zip

tagyoureit commented 3 years ago

You didn't pull the latest code. You are still on 7.4.0 and you should be on 7.5.0. Please pull the code from Github and repeat the above steps.

omo22 commented 3 years ago

image with 7.5 lost dashpanel

omo22 commented 3 years ago


omo22 commented 3 years ago


omo22 commented 3 years ago


tagyoureit commented 3 years ago

For each application (njsPC, dP, REM) you should follow these directions:

  1. git pull
  2. npm i
  3. npm run build (if your startup scripts are not set to compile each time)

And dashPanel isn't lost because that is what you are showing in the screenshots. It looks like njsPC didn't start up and you should check the PM2 logs. pm2 logs njsPC. You can also go into the njsPC directory, (make sure you tell PM2 to not run at the same time - pm2 stop njsPC), and try to run it manually to see any errors npm run start.

omo22 commented 3 years ago

now showing g/min and watt but slow delay 10 sen on off pump also cant change flow rate, cany see temp else more missing not sur replay (16).zip e

tagyoureit commented 3 years ago

Pull again and see if it works. Any issues, post another packet capture. I made a few changes.

omo22 commented 3 years ago

i did git pulll and npm i and run build ...... still same I see only watt and g/min, cant change flow rate and switch to different pump circuit e.g cleaning also delay in response 4-6 seconds for on off replay (17).zip

tagyoureit commented 3 years ago

Can you please simplify this:

  1. disable the chlorinator
  2. turn off REM, mqtt and vera and any other plug-ins
  3. rerun the packet capture and provide video and/or screenshots to illustrate what you are doing

I want to verify exactly what you are doing. I see many duplicated attempts to set the pump; however I also see the pump not responding to the requests.

omo22 commented 3 years ago

possible cause is that pump on filter mode will not change flow rate, however in manual mode [pump sensors bypassed ] flow rate is editable IS THERE option to change mode via dash panel or so?

omo22 commented 3 years ago

I will try you suggestions also. The way VF pump works is to set up pool volume and how may times your pool needed to cycled then pump set automatically the speed. I could change the speed on pump panel filter mode only by alternating pool size up or down keeping one cycle per day.

omo22 commented 3 years ago

If switching pump mode to manual [dangerous= since some sensors bypassed] But i will next time I will set pump on manual then connect njsPC and see what happen one more question is wated temp part of data? not visible so far on dash panel

omo22 commented 3 years ago


omo22 commented 3 years ago


tagyoureit commented 3 years ago

however in manual mode [pump sensors bypassed ] flow rate is editable

Correct, you do not want manual mode.

The way VF pump works is to set up pool volume and how may times your pool needed to cycled then pump set automatically the speed. I could change the speed on pump panel filter mode only by alternating pool size up or down keeping one cycle per day.

VF pumps are notoriously inaccurate in reading the flow. We strongly setting a flow/time that will keep your pool clean. (There are lots of posts on http://troublefreepool.com talking about this issue).

one more question is wated temp part of data? not visible so far on dash panel

Let's not solve more than one problem here. Please open a new issue.

Given all that, where does it leave us? When an OCP (Pentair Outdoor Control Panel) takes control of the pump you should see "Display Not Active!" on the front. This disables all pump schedules and control (but retains all safety features). The fact that you can control the speeds in manual mode means we are heading in the right direction.

When you next test the app, the pump should just be idle. It should not be in manual mode, or filter mode, or running a schedule.

Test 1: If you start njsPC, without turning on any circuits, please confirm if you see "Display not active!" on the front panel. Test 2: Turn on a circuit in njsPC and see if the pump starts. Test 3: Turn on a higher flow circuit and see if the pump changes to the higher speed (if 2+ circuits are on together, the highest speed/flow is what is sent to the pumps).

tagyoureit commented 3 years ago

IS THERE option to change mode via dash panel or so?

No, the pump needs to be in a mode where njsPC (or OCP) can control it. The only valid state for OCP control is when the pump displays "Pump not active!".

Also, do you have a chlorinator? I asked above and see njsPC trying to control one. If you have a chlorinator, please delete it from njsPC when you run the above tests. We can add it back later.

omo22 commented 3 years ago

i keep trying see new zip file replay (18).zip

tagyoureit commented 3 years ago

Can you please answer my questions and provide screenshots?

omo22 commented 3 years ago

wooo i figured out... i started pump on pump feature one and connected wire.. > DISPLAY NOT ACTIVE then it worked..see zip at leat i can run 2 speeds, i created _+ circuits but could not see them in dash panel created while zip17 replay (19).zip

tagyoureit commented 3 years ago

Please send screenshots so I can see what you are doing. But glad you are making progress.

omo22 commented 3 years ago

i am trying to get video and screenshots from iPhone to send now Ref to Zip18 Test 1: If you start njsPC, without turning on any circuits, please confirm if you see "Display not active!" on the front panel. YES Test 2: Turn on a circuit in njsPC and see if the pump starts. YES started once pluged but no control except on off Test 3: Turn on a higher flow circuit and see if the pump changes to the higher speed (if 2+ circuits are on together, the highest speed/flow is what is sent to the pumps). i added x2 circuits + - and SAVED but dont show on dash panel and once go back to pump settings-circuits they are gone nedd to add again ... this process saved on Zip 18 I deleted chrolonator stopped mqtt vera and rem and made pump idle also pump would not delete a schedule it is default and could not disable it inside pump. I noted that njsPC affected default speed [but no control ]when plugged njsPC while running on manual-mode so I thought I will test it with Feature-1 button running... it works like charm so far except issues with njsPC schedule and water temp not showing. will add img and video soon showing my DIY RPI OCP with sensors and relay ready

omo22 commented 3 years ago

FOLLOWING IMG WHEN TESTD AS ABOVE ZIP18, sorry low img quality from video

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4

omo22 commented 3 years ago

following mages when plugged njsPC while pump running on feature-1 13 14 15 16 17 4 6 6a 1 2 3 7 8 9 10 11 12

tagyoureit commented 3 years ago

The "Pump Speed +" and "Pump Speed -" are only valid for spa side remotes. Don't try to assign then to features. Instead, create a new feature (aka "High Speed") and assign that to the pump and give it a specified speed.

Try that, and if it works, is everything working now?

omo22 commented 3 years ago

I created different circuits e.g 16GPM 24GPM 32GPM etc all worked perfectly thanks for the great support.

omo22 commented 3 years ago

I am still having issues. As you know it works only of pump is in feature mode when plugin RS485 it shows DISPLAY not active and works perfectly. I noticed every night in AM founding default speed 17gm and can no longer change flow rate etc. When unplugging Rs485 pump was in filter not in feature mode. I re do Feature mode but next day in AM found again same thing. I decided to run log overnight and will include with this attachment. It seem something happening around 4:39:27AM ... Could this be fixed by comd from njsPC forcing Feature mode? 2-Screenshot 2021-10-22 072712 3-Screenshot 2021-10-22 073753

omo22 commented 3 years ago


omo22 commented 3 years ago

please see message above

tagyoureit commented 3 years ago

I took a look and at 5:22:21 am the pump switches from running at 25gpm to the 17gpm. You can see in the log portion below that packets 25514, 45522, 45530 njsPC is telling the pump to run at 25 (the [0,25] payload).

The pump responds with packet 45517 with speed 25gpm (byte[7] in the payload) but then the next status packet 45525 until 5:37am.

{"id":45513,"valid":true,"dir":"in","proto":"pump","for":[45512],"pkt":[[],[255,0,255],[165,0,33,96,6,1],[10],[1,55]],"ts": "2021-10-22T05:22:14.748-0400"}
{"id":45515,"valid":true,"dir":"in","proto":"pump","for":[45514],"pkt":[[],[255,0,255],[165,0,33,96,1,2],[0,25],[1,66]],"ts": "2021-10-22T05:22:14.810-0400"}
{"id":45517,"valid":true,"dir":"in","proto":"pump","for":[45516],"pkt":[[],[255,0,255],[165,0,33,96,7,15],[10,6,2,1,29,5,255,25,0,0,0,0,1,5,22],[2,165]],"ts": "2021-10-22T05:22:16.881-0400"}
{"id":45519,"valid":true,"dir":"in","proto":"pump","for":[45518],"pkt":[[],[255,0,255],[165,0,33,96,4,1],[255],[2,42]],"ts": "2021-10-22T05:22:16.926-0400"}
{"id":45521,"valid":true,"dir":"in","proto":"pump","for":[45520],"pkt":[[],[255,0,255],[165,0,33,96,6,1],[10],[1,55]],"ts": "2021-10-22T05:22:18.968-0400"}
{"id":45523,"valid":true,"dir":"in","proto":"pump","for":[45522],"pkt":[[],[255,0,255],[165,0,33,96,1,2],[0,25],[1,66]],"ts": "2021-10-22T05:22:19.031-0400"}
{"id":45525,"valid":true,"dir":"in","proto":"pump","for":[45524],"pkt":[[],[255,0,255],[165,0,33,96,7,15],[10,0,2,1,18,5,230,17,0,0,0,0,1,5,22],[2,115]],"ts": "2021-10-22T05:22:21.104-0400"}
{"id":45527,"valid":true,"dir":"in","proto":"pump","for":[45526],"pkt":[[],[255,0,255],[165,0,33,96,4,1],[255],[2,42]],"ts": "2021-10-22T05:22:21.169-0400"}
{"id":45529,"valid":true,"dir":"in","proto":"pump","for":[45528],"pkt":[[],[255,0,255],[165,0,33,96,6,1],[10],[1,55]],"ts": "2021-10-22T05:22:23.209-0400"}
{"id":45531,"valid":true,"dir":"in","proto":"pump","for":[45530],"pkt":[[],[255,0,255],[165,0,33,96,1,2],[0,25],[1,66]],"ts": "2021-10-22T05:22:23.271-0400"}
{"id":45533,"valid":true,"dir":"in","proto":"pump","for":[45532],"pkt":[[],[255,0,255],[165,0,33,96,7,15],[10,0,2,1,4,5,205,17,0,0,0,0,1,5,22],[2,76]],"ts": "2021-10-22T05:22:25.324-0400"}

at 5:35, packet 47301 {"id":47301,"valid":true,"dir":"in","proto":"pump","for":[47300],"pkt":[[],[255,0,255],[165,0,33,96,7,15],[10,0,2,0,217,5,125,17,1,0,0,0,1,5,37],[2,224]],"ts": "2021-10-22T05:37:57.140-0400"} the pump is still at 17gpm but byte[8] changed from 0 to 1.

at 5:42:09... {"id":47781,"valid":true,"dir":"in","proto":"pump","for":[47780],"pkt":[[],[255,0,255],[165,0,33,96,7,15],[10,0,2,0,223,5,140,17,2,0,0,0,1,5,41],[2,250]],"ts": "2021-10-22T05:42:09.275-0400"} byte[8] changes from 1 to 2

at 5:42:30 {"id":47821,"valid":true,"dir":"in","proto":"pump","for":[47820],"pkt":[[],[255,0,255],[165,0,33,96,7,15],[10,0,2,0,224,5,130,17,1,0,0,0,1,5,42],[2,241]],"ts": "2021-10-22T05:42:30.337-0400"} byte[8] changes from 2 back to 1.

at 5:45:43 {"id":48189,"valid":true,"dir":"in","proto":"pump","for":[48188],"pkt":[[],[255,0,255],[165,0,33,96,7,15],[10,0,2,0,218,5,120,17,0,0,0,0,1,5,45],[2,227]],"ts": "2021-10-22T05:45:43.648-0400"} byte[8] changes from 1 back to 0.

It (byte[8]) continues to alternate between 1/0 thereafter.

Can you check your pump very closely to see if you have any schedules, backwash, or other settings that might be kicking in? I'm not seeing any packets we are sending to effect the pump in this way.

omo22 commented 3 years ago

there are no schedules on the pump; however Feature-1 is programmable longest option is 10hrs once expired pump goes to filter mode or else default which will loose control of pump via njsPC I tried also program pump with features 3-9 [runs parallelly with filter mode] not working, May be to try factory rest pump and connect njsPC i am searching, so far I could not remove default pump filter schedule, it will go else to manual mode this also doesn't work. I will likely create Arduino with timer + x2 relays , one will interrupt rs485 connection so DISPLAY not active is off, 2nd relay will press hardwired feature#1 button [I will take apparat panel and solder wires... :( ]
Arduino will press F#1 every 10 hrs or so What do you think? may be search upgrade pump PCP to VS type or wait till dies to buy new one, but like to fix it..... thanks

omo22 commented 3 years ago

may be buy intelItouch OCP would force pump stay connected with njsPC?

tagyoureit commented 3 years ago

Can you pull again and try it out? It should explicitly select Feature 1 and hopefully that will resolve the issue. (aka - try to start the app and see if sets the pump to Feature 1 without you needing to select it.) Also please try to stop the app and test if the pump returns control to the local display.

omo22 commented 3 years ago

Will this force feature #1 being permanent? Else pump firmware will take over again!!! I will try tonight git pull etc Here in Ohio getting too cold falling leaf will close pool soon but might keep limited testing in future without running pump I will let you know soon Thanks

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 27, 2021, at 9:42 AM, tagyoureit @.***> wrote:

Can you pull again and try it out? It should explicitly select Feature 1 and hopefully that will resolve the issue. Also please try to stop the app and test if the pump returns control to the local display.

— You are receiving this because you modified the open/close state. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/tagyoureit/nodejs-poolController/issues/355#issuecomment-952943582, or unsubscribehttps://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AFQSSLDX7HJWODAXOMP6ZKTUI76UNANCNFSM5FXDCC3A. Triage notifications on the go with GitHub Mobile for iOShttps://apps.apple.com/app/apple-store/id1477376905?ct=notification-email&mt=8&pt=524675 or Androidhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.github.android&referrer=utm_campaign%3Dnotification-email%26utm_medium%3Demail%26utm_source%3Dgithub.

tagyoureit commented 3 years ago

Yes, the code change will constantly ask the pump to enable Feature #1.

omo22 commented 3 years ago

good job it works so far... thanks, unplugged cable, DISPLAY not active quit and normal screen showed, I selected filter mode and as soon as I plugged cable F#1 LED light button turn on in place filter mode LED light, so far full functions, will see over night if any time restrictions from firm ware, I will let you know . replay (26).zip .

omo22 commented 3 years ago

noticed after rebooting pump THE pump turns off and dash panel shows pump is off rather than defaulting to previous state e.g. pool or any speed was running before reboot of rpi.

omo22 commented 3 years ago

noticed after rebooting *** THE pump noticed after rebooting RPI --> THE pump

tagyoureit commented 3 years ago

When you stop njsPC, we need to stop all of the circuits and return control to the pump in standalone mode. It's by design that we stop/close everything.

If you want the pump to automatically start back when the app runs, please consider using schedules to control the behavior you want.

omo22 commented 3 years ago

VF pump Pentair 011012 working fine after updated code , no issues anymore , I will close issues and reopen if else happen thank you