tagyoureit / nodejs-poolController

An application to control pool equipment from various manufacturers.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Can not open a steady port #402

Closed DrJeff closed 2 years ago

DrJeff commented 2 years ago

What do you think I'm doing wrong here. I tried swapping RS485 lines So to simplify I just added 1 pump and Intellichlor replay.zip

rstrouse commented 2 years ago

Ok now swap the lines and do another replay. I am seeing all 0s coming from the RS485 port. This means that something is sending 0s on the RS485 wires or the port on the board is not right.

Also, please run the following commands just to make sure the serial driver is correct in the njsPC directory. git pull npm i npm rebuild

rstrouse commented 2 years ago

Also if you have a relay 8 installed as well make sure you do not have the RS485 port enabled on that.

DrJeff commented 2 years ago

It looks like I screwed up I attached a fan to the standoffs on the relay/BAS boards and it looks like I was pressing the reset button on the 8 Relay board! Yikes Could that have messed something up?

rstrouse commented 2 years ago

Not likely since all it does is engage one of the GPIO pins.

DrJeff commented 2 years ago

Screen Shot 2022-03-31 at 2 40 42 PM With nothing plugged in it gets stuck on this window. and here is the replay

replay (1).zip y

rstrouse commented 2 years ago

This configuration has no pumps or chlorinators to communicate with so the port will be silent.

DrJeff commented 2 years ago

Now they all are working well sort of they worked then just shut off here is the replay replay (2).zip

rstrouse commented 2 years ago

Please check all the wiring. I am seeing a case where the pumps on address 2 & 3 are responding but the one on address 1 never does. Possibly, it is where all the 0s are coming from. Are these all the same pump type?

DrJeff commented 2 years ago

I tugged all the wires 1 was maybe loose but after changing to address 4 no problem

🤷🏽 waterSensor1 should be the pool correct

rstrouse commented 2 years ago

In a dual or single body that will be body 1. In a pool/spa shared body it will be pool or spa.

EDIT: So now all pumps are responding appropriately?

DrJeff commented 2 years ago

Yes, nevermind yes just delayed

DrJeff commented 2 years ago

Yippeee! now the pesky watersensor not showing got air solar via REM no problem

DrJeff commented 2 years ago

Oops, I had it set as units not just Temperature

DrJeff commented 2 years ago

Oh one more thing are you using nixie to Prime or just use the Primming feature built-in the pump @rstrouse

rstrouse commented 2 years ago

I am not sure of whether the priming function of the pump can be overridden. Perhaps we can add a timing for prime time when the pump first starts.

DrJeff commented 2 years ago

Yes on IntellifloProXF there is an option but no need to add anything, Just curious

rstrouse commented 2 years ago

Yeah I still have 4x160 pumps and they run great.

DrJeff commented 2 years ago

Under Aux-Circuits Pool is type Pool, but Spa or Body2 is still type Pool how do I change that to type Spa? I'm running Nixie Dual Body

rstrouse commented 2 years ago

It does not rename the type it is body 2 in a dual body system. It just so happens your second body is a spa. In a dual body under the hood there is a body1 and a body2. Spa is a moniker for a shared body 1.

rstrouse commented 2 years ago

You should name the bodies under the body tab as well as the circuit name to whatever the bodies represent.

DrJeff commented 2 years ago

Yes but under Circuits there are 2 circuits that are not removable for both Bodies, So on mine for both of those circuits you can not select, Pool is the only type so I can't add the second one to Spa because it's greyed out with only Pool.

DrJeff commented 2 years ago


DrJeff commented 2 years ago

sorry switched over to Windows for some work had to take a photo

DrJeff commented 2 years ago

So it's a dual body but shows like a shared

rstrouse commented 2 years ago

They are both considered pools. So essentially there are two pools. What you name them is entirely up to you. But the function is a pool body because a spa body would rotate intake and return valves.

rstrouse commented 2 years ago

I gave this a bit more though and poured through the code for the functions. I may try to figure out a way to select either pool or spa on those two circuits. It should be ok if I simply make them only settable to one of those two options. I may make them only definable in the body definition though since there are some weirdo things regarding this in IntelliTouch and assigning Spa/Spa and Pool/Pool. It may be a bit too much goofiness in the circuit definition UI.

DrJeff commented 2 years ago

Ok, sounds good! I figured this is a one off kind of issue

DrJeff commented 2 years ago

Still can't open Controller RS485 port stuck Screen Shot 2022-04-07 at 11 45 58 AM Also not talking to pumps anymore, which protocol should the pumps be set to 2 or 1?

rstrouse commented 2 years ago

Do you mean master. The master in your case should be 1. Upload a replay when trying to get into the ports. The code calls SerialPort.list to get the data related to the local ports so I don't know why that would be not getting a result.

DrJeff commented 2 years ago

replay (6).zip Ok it just died and restarted so I got that captured also I set the pumps to Protocol 2 like the factory set well on the 2 VSF new pumps. All three pumps died and restarted

rstrouse commented 2 years ago

I am not sure what you mean by protocol 2? Are you referring to the pump address?

DrJeff commented 2 years ago

Oh sorry on the pump itself they have a factory setting for Active Protocol, I'm gonna leave that alone for now! ;) But could you see the restarts?

rstrouse commented 2 years ago

Yes njsPC is sending requests when it stops but the pumps are not responding. I see a lot of messages for the chlorinator that are also not responding. Is that not hooked up?

rstrouse commented 2 years ago

Weird, I do not see a Protocol setting described in the docs for the XF or Flo pumps. Which model are these?

DrJeff commented 2 years ago

The Chlorinator is connected but I'm gonna check it now, I deleted it will that just be added but maybe it's not communicating I remember setting it up as IC40 before for some reason

DrJeff commented 2 years ago

Yes that pump is IntellifloXF VSF and that is on the Backdoor menu

DrJeff commented 2 years ago

Just died and restarted again the chlorinator is set up, but I manually added it to njsPC should it be captured and added automatically? here is the replay replay (7).zip

rstrouse commented 2 years ago

The chlorinator never responds so it is not communicating. Let me make sure this is correct. There are 2 VSF pumps and one VS pump.
Pump address 1 = VSF Pump address 3 = VSF Pump address 4 = VS

The chlorinator will not be picked up automatically. It will not speak unless we first speak to it. We don't try to contact it unless it is in your configuration. Very early versions of njsPC used to probe for it but that was problematic because the iChlor (Not IntelliChlor) has some differences in its protocols.

DrJeff commented 2 years ago

Main pump VSF = 1 Spa Pump VSF = 2 Spa Jets VS = 3

rstrouse commented 2 years ago

If almost looks like the pump at address 1 is a different pump. It does not respond to the Set Feature message. The other pumps do.

rstrouse commented 2 years ago

Let me rephrase that only pump 3 responds to the set feature command so possible we are sending a request that VSF does not understand.

tagyoureit commented 2 years ago

If you are trying to send flow/gpm try rpm instead (or vice versa).

rstrouse commented 2 years ago

Pull njsPC and dashPanel. I think it is very odd that you cannot open up the comms section so hard refresh your browser.

DrJeff commented 2 years ago

Ok pulled them both had to run out for the day but so far looks good, I will keep an eye on them Hard refresh doesn't help Comms Port issue

DrJeff commented 2 years ago

Chlorinator was my bad RS485 bad connection (loose) it's working Now! what is this error: checkHardwareStatusAsync: putDeviceService: getDeviceStatus: Unrecognized I/O Channel null Is this from RemChem not being hooked up?

rstrouse commented 2 years ago

Yes one of the sensors, relays, or probes is not properly configured.

DrJeff commented 2 years ago

Side note if pump is set for GPM in settings and you change GPM in frontend (dashboard) it reverts back to RPM in frontend and backend

rstrouse commented 2 years ago

For a VSF pump it should show both. Is this for the circuits. If it is that, it may be because the when you mix RPM and GPM it has to estimate how many RPM may be required to get the flow. This works the same way as a Pentair OCP where it estimates the overall speed based upon flow to come up with which circuit gets priority. So you should probably use all flow or all RPM or all GPM since estimating RPM from the flow can be iffy. Frankly, from what I see of the GPM output it is a bit gimmicky.

DrJeff commented 2 years ago

. Is this for the circuits

So under Pool Pump Settings Screen Shot 2022-04-08 at 9 54 32 AM If you adjust the GPM there it reverts back to RPM Screen Shot 2022-04-08 at 9 55 48 AM Screen Shot 2022-04-08 at 9 56 13 AM

DrJeff commented 2 years ago

Is the VS pump not seen? It isn't responding to njsPC? I can't upload my replay? It shows as "is not included in the list" now all of a sudden zip isn't compatible with github? so here is a link replay