tahama / scrapbookq

ScrapbookQ is a Firefox extension, which helps you to save Web pages and easily manage collections. Compatible with old ScrapBook extension, Suppert manage captures at browser sidebar.
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Setup fails if Firefox profile and downloads directory are on separate drives #17

Open ssokolow opened 6 years ago

ssokolow commented 6 years ago

As the title says, ./scrapbookqmsg init will fail with the following error message if the download directory and the browser profile are stored on different drives.

rename /mnt/incoming/scrapbookq/native-messaging-hosts /home/ssokolow/.mozilla/native-messaging-hosts: invalid cross-device link

tahama commented 6 years ago
  1. copy native-messaging-hosts to /home/yourid/.mozilla/
  2. edit /home/yourid/.mozilla/native-messaging-hosts/scrapbookqmsg.json
  3. set path as the full path of scrapbookqmsg, looks like: "path": "/mnt/incomming/scrapbookq/scrapbookqmsg",

You can move scrapbookq folder to other place, and then modify "path" item in scrapbookqmsg.json. The most important is scrapbookqmsg has execute provilege and "path" has correct full path of scrapbookqmsg.

ssokolow commented 6 years ago

I didn't need help with that. I'm reporting the bug so you can fix it for people who don't wind up reporting it and, instead, just give up on ScrapbookQ.

(Or, at the very least, provide a more helpful error message.)

tahama commented 6 years ago

Trust me. I will do something on this bug in the next next main big version. Maybe we need let origin init_scrapbookq.sh back.

valentinsanz commented 6 years ago

Hi... I finally decided to install FF 58.0.1 x64 in my Laptop with Win 10 x64 and I was excited about installing Scrapbookq too, hoping that it should work fine (as it did in my tablet with Win 10 x32), but I'm trying it repeatedly and no success... I wonder about the compatibility of SBQ with x64 systems... I have done several times the init_scrapbookq.bat (even runing it as admtor), then edited the real path for Scrapbook folder and I always get the error about "not finding (or conexion with) scrapbookqmsg.exe..." I placed it as a "trusted app" in my antivirus and executed it as administrator and nothing... Rebuild... nothing. Empty sidebar with the warning only. I also downloaded the x64 version of scrapbookqmsg.exe as the author suggested... It doesn' work either... If somebody can help me please with this I will appreciate that a lot! Waiting for suggestion...

After reading your post I wonder if my problem has something to do with the situation you mention... a) In my tablet with Win 10 x32, the path of Scrapbookq (working fine) is like this: d:\myid\documentos\descargas\scrapbookq the FF profile is in c:\ but in my laptop running Win 10 x64 the path of Scrapbookq (not working) is: d:\Documentos\descargas FDM\scrapbookq the FF profile is in c:\ Notice that the key difference is in the "myid" inclusion in the path.

ssokolow commented 6 years ago

Doubtful. The problem I reported is caused by scrapbookqmsg using a feature called hard linking that allows a single file to appear under multiple filenames.

If that were the problem in your case, neither of your installs should have worked, because you describe both of them having the profile on C: and the scrapbookq folder on D:.

valentinsanz commented 6 years ago

It's weird, because in my tblet it works fine but not in my laptop. Joey told me that he will give up with SBQ. I was trying to encourage him to not to do it so... Hope my prayers have efect on him! :-)

valentinsanz commented 6 years ago

I just did two tests: 1) In another computer running Win 8 x32, where both Scrapbookq and FF profile are in C:... Not working (no such native application scrapbookqmsg...) 2) In my Laptop running Win 10 x64 I have: a) uninstalled Scrapbookq b) Set Download folder in C:\user\myid\Downloads\ c) Reinstall Scrapbookq so now it is in: C:\user\myid\Downloads\scrapbookq... Not working (no such native application scrapbookqmsg...); several intents running init_scrapbookq.bat (with privileges); giving scrapbookqmsg.exe admor privileges; replace scrapbookqmsg.exe (x32) with its x64 version; set real Scrapbook path in scrapbookq.conf... Nothing works! This is a real mystery...

bendy101 commented 6 years ago

not working for me either.....tried many things...not worth wasting time....uninstalled

ssokolow commented 6 years ago

I've actually been using the competing Web Scrapbook extension since shortly after posting this because this was just too fragile. At least with Web Scrapbook, there's one bug and I know what it is. (Don't close the tab until after the blank, white, Web Scrapbook popup window closes if you want a successful save.)