tahoe-lafs / zfec

zfec -- an efficient, portable erasure coding tool
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add Python 3.11 support #74

Closed MironBodewes closed 1 year ago

MironBodewes commented 1 year ago

It works fine for me with 3.10.6, but with python 3.11 it doesn't install. Edit: see exarkuns comment. I did change the Issue name.

exarkun commented 1 year ago

This is expected. zfec is not yet tested against Python 3.11. This ticket could be retitled to "add Python 3.11 support" and someone could do the necessary CI setup, fix any issues, and make a release happen.

WojciechMigda commented 1 year ago

@MironBodewes It may interest you that zfex, a fork of zfec which I maintain, builds and installs with cpython 3.11.

sajith commented 1 year ago

Did a quick test on macOS (arm64) and Fedora 37 (x86_64). With Python 3.11, pip install zfec does install from the sdist package when a C compiler is available, so the issue must be that there are no wheel packages for Python 3.11?

I suppose can can do some things:

We could also look into abi3 wheels again (#49), now that cibuildwheel has support for it.