tahoe-lafs / zfec

zfec -- an efficient, portable erasure coding tool
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Test and build with newer Pythons #75

Closed sajith closed 1 year ago

sajith commented 1 year ago

See #74. These are the changes:

exarkun commented 1 year ago

See #74. These are the changes:

* Add Python 3.11 and PyPy 3.9 to both test and build matrices.

* Update cibuildwheel version (because of the above), and use cibuildwheel action rather than the Python package (because it avoids some of the boilerplate).

* Use the same OSes in test and build steps, and be more explicit about them (not just `-latest`).

* Build macOS arm64 and universal2 wheels as well (because why not), but without testing them, because cibuildwheels docs [says](https://cibuildwheel.readthedocs.io/en/stable/options/) that they can't be tested on Intel. ([Results](https://test.pypi.org/project/zfec/ are on TestPyPI.)

* Update the soon-to-be deprecated actions.

* Cache Python packages when possible.

Thanks. Do you mind splitting this into a few different PRs? At a glance, it seems like three makes sense:

  1. CI housekeeping - action updates & caching improvements
  2. Build universal wheels
  3. Add more Python versions to the build/test matrices

How does that sound?

sajith commented 1 year ago

Thanks. Do you mind splitting this into a few different PRs? At a glance, it seems like three makes sense:

1. CI housekeeping - action updates & caching improvements

2. Build universal wheels

3. Add more Python versions to the build/test matrices

How does that sound?

That sounds reasonable but I will have to watch the CI spin across three separate PRs again and that is not... fun. >_<

Will get on that when I have some time.

sajith commented 1 year ago

Following up with issues #76, #77, and PR #78.