tahoe-lafs / zfec

zfec -- an efficient, portable erasure coding tool
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Build macOS arm64 and universal2 wheels #80

Closed sajith closed 8 months ago

sajith commented 1 year ago

Addresses #77.

(This is stacked on top of #79, which is stacked on top of #78.)

sajith commented 1 year ago

Merged #78 and #79, and updated this PR branch.

This will build arm64 and universal2 wheels for macOS, in addition to x86_64. Not sure if we really need all three. I suppose we can have just x86_64 and arm64 wheels? Maybe they will be useful for people who install Python universal2 binaries from https://www.python.org/downloads/macos/? (I use either the Python that is shipped with macOS or the ones that are shipped via Homebrew, so I must have missed this third case when I quickly tested.)

Maybe having all three will not hurt? :-)

exarkun commented 8 months ago

I have no way to test the new wheels this builds but the names look right, at least, and all the heavy lifting is done by cibuildwheel .. so, maybe they're fine.