Open TCChenlong opened 2 years ago
The least squares algorithm is a classic algorithm and PaddlePaddle doesn't directly support for now. Before I finished the first task. I didn't have a proper idea. Now I'm going to implement a taichi-based lstsq example. Like in reference, add a benchmark would be better. Is this an appropriate idea?
PyTorch, TensorFlow and NumPy all support linalg.lstsq
I feel like Taichi may not be the optimal tool for lstsq
, which is mainly dense regular matrix operations.
Perhaps it's a good idea to use Taichi and its AutoDiff to implement some weird operators that are not provided by PaddlePaddle? Good examples would be NCReLU
(ref1, ref2)/MixedConv
(ref). Without Taichi, users will need to implement these kernels using CUDA and bind them to PaddlePaddle through C++/Pybind11. With Taichi you can implement everything in pure "Python" with a small amount of code.
(cc @ailzhang who may also be interested in this topic :-))
Thanks for your reply!
It must have been influenced by my working background. I have experience implementing various mathematical operations on supercomputers. But I don't know enough knowledges about deep learning. Therefore in deep learning scope, I don't have a good idea about this task.
And I have also understood a key point following your suggestion. Basic mathmatical operator such as lstsq
have already be implemented in a library like NumPy. Taichi doesn't need to build wheels. The real value that Taichi creates is, that developers can use Taichi to implement a variety of customized new algorithms more easier. Based on the Taichi framework, Python-like codes could be translated into high-performance, portable machine codes.
Salut, productivity and performance!
The real value that Taichi creates is, that developers can use Taichi to implement a variety of customized new algorithms.
Exactly! Taichi is very suitable for writing complex kernels that are hard to compose using basic linear algebra components :-)
Thanks! I see. However, due to lack of experience in deep learning, there may be someone more suitable for this task.
(此 ISSUE 为 PaddlePaddle Hackathon 第二期活动的任务 ISSUE,更多详见 【PaddlePaddle Hackathon 第二期】任务总览)
任务标题:增加 Taichi 和 PaddlePaddle 高效结合的案例。
详细描述:选取一个 PaddlePaddle 中暂不支持的 op,使用 Taichi 编写该 op 的并行实现,并在一个 PaddlePaddle 和Taichi的交互案例中展示效果。
相关实现:如需使用可微分op,请参考 Taichi 中与 torch autograd 交互的测试样例
设计文档,并提 PR 至 PaddlePaddle/community 的 rfcs/Taichi 目录
PR 请提交到用户自己的公开 repo,提交 repo 的链接即可;
Repo 中需要包含详细的案例使用步骤,以及必要的代码讲解和背景知识。
熟悉 Taichi 和 PaddlePaddle;
熟练掌握 C++ 、Python。