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Perf gap of ndarray based SPH between CUDA and Vulkan backend #5046

Open ailzhang opened 2 years ago

ailzhang commented 2 years ago

This is an issue from @YuCrazing Running the following script give 47fps on CUDA backend and 8.8fps on Vulkan backend (RTX 2060).

import argparse
from attr import field
import taichi as ti
import numpy as np
import math


screen_res = (1000, 1000)

boundary_box_np = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1]])
spawn_box_np = np.array([[0.3, 0.3, 0.3], [0.7, 0.7, 0.7]])

particle_radius = 0.01
particle_diameter = particle_radius * 2
h = 4.0 * particle_radius
N_np = ((spawn_box_np[1] - spawn_box_np[0]) / particle_diameter + 1).astype(np.int32)
particle_num = N_np[0] * N_np[1] * N_np[2]

rest_density = 1000.0
mass = rest_density * particle_diameter * particle_diameter * particle_diameter * 0.8
pressure_scale = 10000.0
viscosity_scale = 0.1 * 3
tension_scale = 0.005
gamma = 1.0
substeps = 5
dt = 0.016 / substeps
eps = 1e-6
damping = 0.5
pi = math.pi

def W_poly6(R, h):
    r = R.norm()
    res = 0.0
    if r <= h:
        h2 = h * h
        h4 = h2 * h2
        h9 = h4 * h4 * h
        h2_r2 = h2 - r * r
        res = 315.0 / (64 * pi * h9) * h2_r2 * h2_r2 * h2_r2
        res = 0.0
    return res

def W_spiky_gradient(R, h):
    r = R.norm()
    res = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    if r == 0.0:
        res = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    elif r <= h:
        h3 = h * h * h
        h6 = h3 * h3
        h_r = h - r
        res = -45.0 / (pi * h6) * h_r * h_r * (R / r)
        res = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    return res

W = W_poly6
W_gradient = W_spiky_gradient

def initialize_particle(pos: ti.any_arr(field_dim=1), spawn_box: ti.any_arr(field_dim=1), N: ti.any_arr(field_dim=1), gravity: ti.any_arr(field_dim=0)):
    gravity[None] = ti.Vector([0.0, -9.8, 0.0])
    for i in range(particle_num):
        pos[i] = (
                [i % N[0], i // N[0] % N[1], i // N[0] // N[1] % N[2]]
            * particle_diameter
            + spawn_box[0]
        print(i, pos[i], spawn_box[0], N[0], N[1], N[2])

def update_density(pos: ti.any_arr(field_dim=1), den: ti.any_arr(field_dim=1), pre: ti.any_arr(field_dim=1)):
    for i in range(particle_num):
        den[i] = 0.0
        for j in range(particle_num):
            R = pos[i] - pos[j]
            den[i] += mass * W(R, h)
        pre[i] = pressure_scale * max(pow(den[i] / rest_density, gamma) - 1, 0)

def update_force(
    pos: ti.any_arr(field_dim=1), vel: ti.any_arr(field_dim=1), den: ti.any_arr(field_dim=1), pre: ti.any_arr(field_dim=1), acc: ti.any_arr(field_dim=1), gravity: ti.any_arr(field_dim=0)
    for i in range(particle_num):
        acc[i] = gravity[None]
        for j in range(particle_num):
            R = pos[i] - pos[j]

            acc[i] += (
                * (pre[i] / (den[i] * den[i]) + pre[j] / (den[j] * den[j]))
                * W_gradient(R, h)

            acc[i] += (
                * mass
                * (vel[i] - vel[j]).dot(R)
                / (R.norm() + 0.01 * h * h)
                / den[j]
                * W_gradient(R, h)

            R2 = R.dot(R)
            D2 = particle_diameter * particle_diameter
            if R2 > D2:
                acc[i] += -tension_scale * R * W(R, h)
                acc[i] += (
                    * R
                    * W(ti.Vector([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]) * particle_diameter, h)

def advance(pos: ti.any_arr(field_dim=1), vel: ti.any_arr(field_dim=1), acc: ti.any_arr(field_dim=1)):
    for i in range(particle_num):
        vel[i] += acc[i] * dt
        pos[i] += vel[i] * dt

def boundary_handle(
    pos: ti.any_arr(field_dim=1), vel: ti.any_arr(field_dim=1), boundary_box: ti.any_arr(field_dim=1)
    for i in range(particle_num):
        collision_normal = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        for j in ti.static(range(3)):
            if pos[i][j] < boundary_box[0][j]:
                pos[i][j] = boundary_box[0][j]
                collision_normal[j] += -1.0
        for j in ti.static(range(3)):
            if pos[i][j] > boundary_box[1][j]:
                pos[i][j] = boundary_box[1][j]
                collision_normal[j] += 1.0
        collision_normal_length = collision_normal.norm()
        if collision_normal_length > eps:
            collision_normal /= collision_normal_length
            vel[i] -= (1.0 + damping) * collision_normal.dot(vel[i]) * collision_normal

def copy_data_from_ndarray_to_field(src: ti.template(), dst: ti.any_arr()):
    for I in ti.grouped(src):
        src[I] = dst[I]

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args()

    window = ti.ui.Window("SPH", screen_res, vsync=True)
    scene = ti.ui.Scene()
    camera = ti.ui.make_camera()
    camera.position(0.5, 1.0, 2.0)
    camera.up(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
    camera.lookat(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
    canvas = window.get_canvas()
    movement_speed = 0.02

    # Initialize arrays
    N = ti.ndarray(ti.f32, shape=3) # Potential bug: modify ti.f32 to ti.i32 leads to [all components of N are zeros].
    boundary_box = ti.Vector.ndarray(3, ti.f32, shape=2)
    spawn_box = ti.Vector.ndarray(3, ti.f32, shape=2)

    pos = ti.Vector.ndarray(3, ti.f32, shape=particle_num)
    pos_draw = ti.Vector.field(3, ti.f32, shape=particle_num)
    vel = ti.Vector.ndarray(3, ti.f32, shape=particle_num)
    acc = ti.Vector.ndarray(3, ti.f32, shape=particle_num)
    den = ti.ndarray(ti.f32, shape=particle_num)
    pre = ti.ndarray(ti.f32, shape=particle_num)
    gravity = ti.Vector.ndarray(3, ti.f32, shape=())

    initialize_particle(pos, spawn_box, N, gravity)

    while window.running:

        for i in range(substeps):
            update_density(pos, den, pre)
            update_force(pos, vel, den, pre, acc, gravity)
            advance(pos, vel, acc)
            boundary_handle(pos, vel, boundary_box)

        # user controlling of camera
        camera.track_user_inputs(window, movement_speed=movement_speed, hold_key=ti.ui.LMB)

        scene.point_light((2.0, 2.0, 2.0), color=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
        copy_data_from_ndarray_to_field(pos_draw, pos)
        scene.particles(pos_draw, radius=particle_radius, color=(0.4, 0.7, 1.0))
turbo0628 commented 2 years ago

I have reproduced the performance gap, compute latency for CUDA is around 13ms but for vulkan it's 43ms, 3x slower. The major bottleneck is that Vulkan backend cannot optimize the access to arrays as good as CUDA. So if we replace some global array accessing methods with scalar compuation, we can easily increase vulkan's frame rate. The figure illustrates using acc_val to replace acc[i] . You can also apply the same scalarize technique to den[i] . I have observed an inspiring 23fps->45fps bump for Vulkan backend on my RTX3080 GPU, but no change for CUDA (still 13ms and 60 fps).

def update_density(pos: ti.any_arr(field_dim=1), den: ti.any_arr(field_dim=1), pre: ti.any_arr(field_dim=1)):
    for i in range(particle_num):
        density = 0.0
        for j in range(particle_num):
            R = pos[i] - pos[j]
            density += mass * W(R, h)

        pre[i] = pressure_scale * max(pow(density / rest_density, gamma) - 1, 0)
        den[i] = density

def update_force(
    pos: ti.any_arr(field_dim=1), vel: ti.any_arr(field_dim=1), den: ti.any_arr(field_dim=1), pre: ti.any_arr(field_dim=1), acc: ti.any_arr(field_dim=1), gravity: ti.any_arr(field_dim=0)
    for i in range(particle_num):
        acc_val = gravity[None]
        for j in range(particle_num):
            R = pos[i] - pos[j]
            acc_val += (
                * (pre[i] / (den[i] * den[i]) + pre[j] / (den[j] * den[j]))
                * W_gradient(R, h)

            acc_val += (
                * mass
                * (vel[i] - vel[j]).dot(R)
                / (R.norm() + 0.01 * h * h)
                / den[j]
                * W_gradient(R, h)

            R2 = R.dot(R)
            D2 = particle_diameter * particle_diameter
            if R2 > D2:
                acc_val += -tension_scale * R * W(R, h)
                acc_val += (
                    * R
                    * W(ti.Vector([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]) * particle_diameter, h)
        acc[i] = acc_val
turbo0628 commented 2 years ago

By the way, the compute kernels for SPH is quite similar with N-Body, I think there is a quite subtle cause to this performance gap. I'll build a simpler benchmark kernel to see if I can reproduce the problem.

bobcao3 commented 2 years ago

This seem like a case of load to store forwarding not working properly within CHI-IR

turbo0628 commented 2 years ago

It's not working. The args are ndarray, so it's ExternalPtrStmt in CHI-IR.

The pass ignores ExternalPtrStmt (see here).

Update: can also observe the redundant load/store in the PTX code, but there's no performance difference among the two versions. Is it optimized by the CUDA runtime? image