taichi-ishitani / tvip-axi

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error on find vif failure #23

Closed sfjiang-astri closed 3 years ago

sfjiang-astri commented 3 years ago

Hi Taichi, I compiled both MASTER & SLAVE within tvip_axi, but only connect MASTER in my project. An error occurs and it seems that I didn't connect vif in slaver side of tvip_axi. How can close the slaver function? image

and here is the top.sv in my project. image


taichi-ishitani commented 3 years ago

AXI drive gets virtual interface via the configuration object. You need to set virtual interface to the configuration object like below. https://github.com/rggen/rggen-sample-testbench/blob/70d61058419e013f1a79f83a62ad16ee9e4166ef/env/axi4lite_top.sv#L366

sfjiang-astri commented 3 years ago

AXI drive gets virtual interface via the configuration object. You need to set virtual interface to the configuration object like below. https://github.com/rggen/rggen-sample-testbench/blob/70d61058419e013f1a79f83a62ad16ee9e4166ef/env/axi4lite_top.sv#L366

Thanks Taichi, Can I close slaver since I dont need the slave-axi function, and how can i do it?

taichi-ishitani commented 3 years ago

Can I close slaver since I dont need the slave-axi function, and how can i do it?

You only have to instantiate tvip_axi_master_agent on your env.

taichi-ishitani commented 3 years ago

Can I close slaver since I dont need the slave-axi function, and how can i do it?

You need to remove instances of tvip_axi_slave_agent from your env.

sfjiang-astri commented 3 years ago

You only have to instantiate tvip_axi_master_agent on your env. You need to remove instances of tvip_axi_slave_agent from your env. Thanks Taichi, I removed instances of tvip_axi_slave_agent in my env . the VIF connection makes me confused that the error occurs at "tvip_axi_master_driver.svh", however it passed in previous files within tvip_axi_pkg.sv .(it seems the connection works well in "tvip_axi_monitor_base.svh") image thanks

taichi-ishitani commented 3 years ago

Did you set virtual interface to the configuration object for AXI master agetn?

taichi-ishitani commented 3 years ago

If you want to discuss interactively gitter chat is suitable.

sfjiang-astri commented 3 years ago

Hi Taichi, my setup looks like this: image image

taichi-ishitani commented 3 years ago

You need to set virtual interface to the configuration object for AXI master agent like this. https://github.com/rggen/rggen-sample-testbench/blob/70d61058419e013f1a79f83a62ad16ee9e4166ef/env/axi4lite_top.sv#L366

taichi-ishitani commented 3 years ago

VIP get virtual interface from its configuration object but not uvm_config_db.

sfjiang-astri commented 3 years ago

Thanks Taichi