taichi / actions-package-update

keeps npm dependencies up-to-date by making pull requests from GitHub Actions or CI.
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How to test the action? #18

Open thamara opened 3 years ago

thamara commented 3 years ago

Hey! I've been using this action for a while, and about one and a half months ago the action started to fail to try to use fsevents in a ubuntu env (it's supposed to try that only on mac). Testings locally on a ubuntu machine I reached the conclusion the problem was that it was trying to run npm install, instead of npm ci. I tried cloning the action repository to validate a fix before submitting a PR, but for some reason, it's not being able to run the new command (it continues to run the version from the original repository). What I did was to change the uses: taichi/actions-package-update@master to point to my repository, but it did not work. Can you please share how this can be tested/validated? Thanks!

bravo-kernel commented 1 year ago

Adding workflow_dispatch: as shown below will add a Github button allowing you to manually trigger the action.

  - cron: 0 0 * * 3 # every Wednesday
