taichi / grunt-istanbul

JavaScript codecoverage tool for Grunt
MIT License
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Istanbul with nightwatch.js #40

Open vinitasher opened 9 years ago

vinitasher commented 9 years ago

Has anyone got code coverage to work for nightwatch.js with Istanbul. Any helpful links to the configuration will be appreciated.

atzbert commented 8 years ago

did you get it to work?

vinitasher commented 8 years ago

I was not able to make it work. I found much more success with JsCover though. Only problem was the results were in HTML5 localStorage.

atzbert commented 8 years ago

node ./node_modules/istanbul/lib/cli.js cover ./node_modules/nightwatch/bin/nightwatch -- -e unittests -c ./build-config/nightwatch.json this works just fine for me. just like that. no strings attached :)

vinitasher commented 8 years ago

@atzbert does this cover selenium tests too?

bhushanpatil2015 commented 7 years ago

Hi @atzbert, I tried your command it works. But if i run that in parallel mode it generates the report for a single file only. Can you able to run that in parallel mode?