Open nsbarsukov opened 1 year ago
Hello I want to contribute to this project by taking care of this feature but I'am relativly new and I don't know If I understood correctly. From what I saw the ticks on the slider are crated in the file in the kit project: line 31
@ticks-gradient: repeating-linear-gradient( to right, var(--tui-base-06) 0 @ticks-thickness, transparent 0 var(--tui-slider-segment-width)
The problem here is that with the repeating-linear-gradient() function we can't redraw the tick at a different inteval If I'm right. Any suggestion on how can intervene? Thank you.
If it's an array – we can switch from repeating-linear-gradient
to multiple gradients since CSS background supports multiple layers.
acceptsnumber | number[]
Every number in array - is ratio of slider's track length where to put tick.