taijusti / sleep_apnea

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Implement logic to distribute compute #23

Closed taijusti closed 9 years ago

taijusti commented 9 years ago

need to add logic to host to make it able to work with multiple device fpgas. this means partitioning the data, broadcasting certain messages to all device fpgas, etc.

taijusti commented 9 years ago

to be clear, patrick is implementing a star network. ETA is 3 days (thursday or friday).

btw, i still think a better (simpler) alternative is just to hardcode the # of fifos coming out of host.

taijusti commented 9 years ago

patrick, how is this going?

also, i just found the AXI4-Stream Switch ip core in Vivado. it basically acts as a packet switch--given a destination, it forwards it to that port. it's basically a crossbar.

taijusti commented 9 years ago

can this be closed?

taijusti commented 9 years ago

patrick, can this be closed?

taijusti commented 9 years ago

this doesn't seem to work properly at TOT. i am working on it for HALO2015

taijusti commented 9 years ago
