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31[Grant Application]: Gourds Studio #62

Open GourdsStudio opened 1 year ago

GourdsStudio commented 1 year ago

Project Description

Gourds Studio provides innovative decentralized finance (DeFi) solutions based on traditional finance (Tradfi) products. Our flagship project is an authentic decentralized exotic options trading protocol, already deployed on the Taiko testnet. This is not just another options platform; it represents significant innovations in financial engineering.

For example, we have developed a proprietary algorithm that prices exotic options without relying on computationally intensive Monte Carlo simulations. This breakthrough will enable new exotic product offerings previously unavailable in cryptocurrency markets. We believe truly efficient markets only emerge when participants have access to a complete suite of financial products. Gourds aims to help realize this vision for the decentralized finance ecosystem.

After careful consideration, we have chosen to build on the Taiko blockchain. We are excited about the possibilities for a mutually beneficial relationship between Gourds and Taiko. This partnership marks the beginning of our journey to bring advanced, inclusive financial solutions to decentralized markets.


Surprise Us 🤫


Deployment on Taiko testnet was completed on August 15th, 2023, marking a major development milestone. This successful testnet deployment enables vigorous testing and optimizations as we prepare for mainnet deployment.

We are projecting public beta completion by October 31st, 2023. This beta rollout will allow community members to trial our platform, provide feedback, and experience the advantages firsthand before the full production release.

Mainnet deployment on Taiko is targeted for QX 2023/4, contingent upon Taiko's confirmation of mainnet readiness. We have configured our protocols to connect with the Taiko mainnet environment immediately upon availability. This will represent the official launch of our platform's decentralized services.

Approximately 3 months post-mainnet deployment we are planning a significant V2 platform upgrade. This upgrade will unlock additional features, products, and enhanced functionality for our users. We are incredibly excited to reveal these innovations after the V2 rollout.

The phased approach of testnet, public beta, mainnet, and V2 upgrade allows for a measured, community-focused launch. Each stage provides the opportunity for critical feedback to ensure we deliver the most refined and impactful DeFi products possible.

Project Plan

To elaborate on the "Category" selection from above, more precisely, we are a gamified decentralized finance (DeFi) project focused on options trading.

In traditional finance, exotic options are traded daily by major hedge funds and asset managers. We believe we can bring exotic options to crypto, making them accessible and preparing the market for mass adoption. Crypto options gained traction after the first BTC options in 2016, but have yet to achieve full mainstream use. Our analysis, detailed in our light paper, examines why and outlines our approach.

A key step is making exotic options easy and engaging for any user, not just trading experts. Our founder Derek has over a decade of experience structuring and risk managing exotic options for institutional clients. He helped lead the transition from voice to electronic exotic options trading at major banks. We're starting with binary-style exotics that are simple to understand but complex to price. Even crypto beginners can start trading these products right away.

Version 1 focuses on top liquid tokens to ensure a robust market. Version 2 gets more exciting - we'll onboard projects to run their own liquidity pools and market making for their tokens. This gives altcoins, meme coins, and other niche assets a decentralized trading option beyond Uniswap. Our structured products with embedded leverage create intriguing opportunities for users.

Exotic options are just the start. We have the expertise and vision to continuously launch innovative options projects, moving toward our goal of a fully efficient crypto market.

Project Impact

We are fully devoted to this project for the long-term. Our roadmap starts with exotic options, the most sophisticated trading tools. From there, we will gradually integrate simpler products like vanilla options, perpetuals, and spot trading. The goal is to become the premier one-stop decentralized trading hub for crypto.

With these ambitions in mind, Taiko's efficiency, low fees, and growing popularity make it an ideal blockchain partner. As projects, we are at similar stages, allowing Gourds to become a flagship Taiko DeFi platform from the start. In turn, we are confident our innovative products will attract more users and activity to Taiko.

Once operational, we aim to provide mutual benefits. For example, the native Taiko token could be integrated as a utility token on our platform, helping drive demand and deflationary value. We see great potential in exploring synergies to jointly advance DeFi adoption for Taiko and Gourds.

By aligning goals and values early on, we are positioning both projects for long-term success as we work to fulfill this shared vision of an efficient, decentralized trading ecosystem.

Team Information

Derek: founder and product lead. Over a decade of options trading experience and BTC holder since 17 linkedin.com/in/derek-wang-aab067271

Edy: dev lead. https://www.linkedin.com/in/edy-xiaoxi-zhang

Bonny: design lead. Famous designer / artist, collaboration with Coach, Absolut Vodka, Michael Kors, etc. https://www.linkedin.com/in/nysometimes/

Yiting: dev team member https://www.linkedin.com/in/yiting-janet/

Consultant team: OGs with a combined over 10 years experience in crypto and connections.

Point of Contact

twitter: @GourdsStudio | tg: @GourdsStudio | email: inzmoney777@gmail.com

Previous Work

No response

Additional Information

pitch: https://docsend.com/view/5nf2rvy9jvy9usix

lite paper: https://docsend.com/view/ef4vx9bsusqtb8vh

website: gourds.studio (content not finalized)
