We are currently at risc0-zkvm = "0.21.0". The latest main branch contains updates after their open-source announcement which has a lot more nicer APIs. Example workflow:
let env = ExecutorEnv::builder()
.write(&MultiTestSpec::BusyLoop { cycles: 0 })
let mut exec = ExecutorImpl::from_elf(env, MULTI_TEST_ELF).unwrap();
let session = exec.run().unwrap();
let opts = ProverOpts::default();
let ctx = VerifierContext::default();
let prover = get_prover_server(&opts).unwrap();
let receipt = prover.prove_session(&ctx, &session).unwrap().receipt;
let claim = receipt.claim().unwrap();
let composite_receipt = receipt.inner.composite().unwrap();
let succinct_receipt = prover.compress(composite_receipt).unwrap();
let journal = session.journal.unwrap().bytes;
let ident_receipt = identity_p254(&succinct_receipt).unwrap();
let seal_bytes = ident_receipt.get_seal_bytes();
let seal = stark_to_snark(&seal_bytes).unwrap().to_vec();
let receipt = Receipt::new(
InnerReceipt::Compact(CompactReceipt { seal, claim }),
At some point we should try out risc0-zkvm = { git = "https://github.com/risc0/risc0.git", branch = "main" } and see whether we can save cost on bonsai.
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Describe the feature request
We are currently at
risc0-zkvm = "0.21.0"
. The latest main branch contains updates after their open-source announcement which has a lot more nicer APIs. Example workflow:At some point we should try out
risc0-zkvm = { git = "https://github.com/risc0/risc0.git", branch = "main" }
and see whether we can save cost on bonsai.Spam policy