taikoxyz / raiko

Multi-proofs for Taiko. SNARKS, STARKS and Trusted Execution Enclave. Our previous ZK-EVM circuits are deprecated.
Apache License 2.0
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chore(raiko-lib): auto logging #219

Closed 35359595 closed 3 weeks ago

35359595 commented 1 month ago
dantaik commented 1 month ago

you have to fix your PR title first, something like "chore(project_name): verb ..."

petarvujovic98 commented 1 month ago

Good stuff here @35359595. Some of the println usage for progress/waiting feedback could get hidden behind a #[cfg(debug_assertions] so it's only visible when running in dev mode (e.g. people looking at the screen for progress), not suitable for tracing as that data doesn't help with either metrics or debugging after the fact.a

johntaiko commented 1 month ago

How is the progress going here?


It has some negative impacts on our production environment, and we hope it can be resolved ASAP :)