taikoxyz / raiko

Multi-proofs for Taiko. SNARKS, STARKS and Trusted Execution Enclave. Our previous ZK-EVM circuits are deprecated.
Apache License 2.0
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docs: Fix example using the prove-block.sh #268

Open mavroudisv opened 4 weeks ago

mavroudisv commented 4 weeks ago

The example uses a `native' proof type which is not the same as the curl call above and does not return a proof or quote.

The curl example uses: "prove": true which is passed as a parameter when using "$proof" == "sgx".


 curl --location 'http://localhost:8080' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "proof_type": "sgx",
    "block_number": 99999,
    "prover": "0x7b399987d24fc5951f3e94a4cb16e87414bf2229",
    "graffiti": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "sgx": {
        **"setup": false,
        "bootstrap": false,
        "prove": true**


if [ "$proof" == "native" ]; then
    "proof_type": "native"


elif [ "$proof" == "sgx" ]; then
    "proof_type": "sgx",
    "sgx" : {
        "instance_id": 123,
        **"setup": false,
        "bootstrap": false,
        "prove": true,**
        "input_path": null