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Add Chainsight to Taiko ecosystem page #15319

Closed xpriment626 closed 2 weeks ago

xpriment626 commented 6 months ago

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Modular oracles to enable dynamic DeFi across all EVM ecosystems.

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Live on Testnet


If your project is live on one of Taiko's testnets, please provide evidence of that here (eg. links, screenshots). If your project is NOT live, please provide your plan for integration here.

Here was the initial announcement with Taiko - https://x.com/Chainsight_/status/1725532058469212307?s=20 We will be transitioning to mainnet once our developer tooling (Chainsight CLI) reaches a stable v1.0.0 release. In the meantime, we will be working closely with the early Taiko DeFi ecosystem to design and test use cases.

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2manslkh commented 5 months ago


Not sure what the integration is here


2manslkh commented 5 months ago

What are the expected relay values? @xpriment626

xpriment626 commented 5 months ago

What are the expected relay values? @xpriment626

Chainsight is an Oracle Development Kit that lets developers extend oracles on the Chainsight network, 3rd party oracles, or create their own custom oracles. We piloted a deployment of volatility oracle on testnet. Our next steps for going to market is to collaborate with DeFi projects building on Taiko, for which I am already in contact with Ken and Jonathan from the ecosystem and grants team respectively.

Cordeiro71 commented 4 months ago

Chainsight is a good project, its a great idea!

Craziefire commented 4 months ago

I Will love to know how this chainsight project of ours will benefit the ecosystem of Taiko. @xpriment626

xpriment626 commented 4 months ago

Chainsight is a modular oracle network focused primarily on enabling developers to create their own custom oracles for complex or exotic data not commonly available in existing oracle solutions like Chainlink and Pyth. The data feed I like to highlight when talking about Chainsight is Chainsight 20, an index feed that returns the value of the top 20 crypto assets and automatically rebalances itself. Here's an explainer article I wrote on it: https://medium.com/@Chainsight_Network/chainsight-20-crypto-index-now-live-106773283a25

In practice, this means developers can do the following such as (but not limited to):

If you're keen to get more into the weeds of things, do feel free to reach out to me on telegram at: @e_childsplay and we can set up a discovery call or just talk more in-depth async.

cc: @Craziefire @2manslkh

github-actions[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

This issue is stale because it has been open for 30 days with no activity.

github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

This issue was closed because it has been inactive for a week since being marked as stale.