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Fix all typos in one go #16488

Closed d1onys1us closed 2 months ago

d1onys1us commented 2 months ago

Describe the feature request

We don't want to accept hundreds of small typo PRs, instead we'd like to fix everything in one go, and then continue to prevent typos with our CICD.

We have a CICD job in typos.yml which does this. However, in order to integrate the job quickly, we decided to ignore a bunch of files, which you can see here in _typos.toml.

This issue is super easy! What you have to do is this:

  1. Install typos
  2. Start removing all things from the _typos.toml, except keep the ones where we won't care about typos. These are: CHANGELOG.md, automata-attestation, and third-party. Everything else we should remove!
  3. After removing those (I would recommend removing one at a time), use the typos cli tool you installed, to find the typos, review them carefully, and then apply the fixes. The tool should apply them automatically, by the way!

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d1onys1us commented 2 months ago

hello @momodaka as you said you are interested in contributing, i will assign you to this issue. if you have any questions please feel free to leave them here, otherwise we'll review the PR once it's ready. thanks a bunch! 🍻

ariesjia commented 2 months ago

hello @momodaka as you said you are interested in contributing, i will assign you to this issue. if you have any questions please feel free to leave them here, otherwise we'll review the PR once it's ready. thanks a bunch! 🍻

I can take this issue.

momodaka commented 2 months ago

hello @momodaka as you said you are interested in contributing, i will assign you to this issue. if you have any questions please feel free to leave them here, otherwise we'll review the PR once it's ready. thanks a bunch! 🍻

Let me do it 🍻

d1onys1us commented 2 months ago

thank you @ariesjia for your commitment. @momodaka asked first however on another PR.

if there is a particular field / area of work you are interested in, I can try to come up with another issue. thanks

richardgreg commented 2 months ago

if there is a particular field / area of work you are interested in, I can try to come up with another issue. thanks

Hi @d1onys1us, your proposal piqued my interest. I am proficient in Python (advanced) and Go (intermediate). In the past I've implemented features in said languages, written unit and integration tests and refactored codebase. I'm also interested in writing documentation that can aid developers in developing on Taiko. I'd appreciate it if you can assign to an issue whether here or another repo 🙏

d89don commented 2 months ago

I can correct capitalization, punctuation, and grammar throughout the documentation. Also, I can clarify wording for better understanding and standardize formatting for consistency if desired. Fixing typos is nice but there are also other issues with the docs I've noticed. I have experience with writing technical documentation in my private GitHub environment.

Doclulu38 commented 2 months ago

Nice proposal

JordanChipley commented 2 months ago

This is overall a solid copy

nikola4888 commented 2 months ago


dhamo9900 commented 2 months ago

wen token launch ?/

adaki2004 commented 2 months ago

wen token launch ?/


YamineRL commented 2 months ago

Hi @d1onys1us, If there is more to be done as a "good first issue" I'm available to help

d1onys1us commented 2 months ago

Hi @d1onys1us, If there is more to be done as a "good first issue" I'm available to help

what kind of stuff do you like to work on or want to do? that will help narrow things down. thankx