taikoxyz / taiko-mono

A based rollup. 🥁
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Delayed Process #16993

Closed Zaidex123 closed 2 weeks ago

Zaidex123 commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug

DescriSwap Lacking and slow transactions confirmationsption of the bug here.

Steps to reproduce

Steps to reproduce here.

Spam policy

Zaidex123 commented 2 weeks ago

package http

import ( "context" "math/big" "net/http" "os"


echo "github.com/labstack/echo/v4"


type ethClient interface { BlockNumber(ctx context.Context) (uint64, error) ChainID(ctx context.Context) (big.Int, error) SuggestGasTipCap(ctx context.Context) (big.Int, error) BlockByNumber(ctx context.Context, number big.Int) (types.Block, error) }

// @title Taiko Relayer API // @version 1.0 // @termsOfService http://swagger.io/terms/

// @contact.name API Support // @contact.url https://community.taiko.xyz/ // @contact.email info@taiko.xyz

// @license.name MIT

// @host relayer.katla.taiko.xyz // Server represents an relayer http server instance. type Server struct { echo echo.Echo eventRepo relayer.EventRepository srcEthClient ethClient destEthClient ethClient processingFeeMultiplier float64 taikoL2 taikol2.TaikoL2 }

type NewServerOpts struct { Echo echo.Echo EventRepo relayer.EventRepository CorsOrigins []string SrcEthClient ethClient DestEthClient ethClient ProcessingFeeMultiplier float64 TaikoL2 taikol2.TaikoL2 }

func (opts NewServerOpts) Validate() error { if opts.Echo == nil { return ErrNoHTTPFramework }

if opts.EventRepo == nil {
    return relayer.ErrNoEventRepository

if opts.CorsOrigins == nil {
    return relayer.ErrNoCORSOrigins

if opts.SrcEthClient == nil {
    return relayer.ErrNoEthClient

if opts.DestEthClient == nil {
    return relayer.ErrNoEthClient

return nil


func NewServer(opts NewServerOpts) (*Server, error) { if err := opts.Validate(); err != nil { return nil, err }

srv := &Server{
    echo:                    opts.Echo,
    eventRepo:               opts.EventRepo,
    srcEthClient:            opts.SrcEthClient,
    destEthClient:           opts.DestEthClient,
    processingFeeMultiplier: opts.ProcessingFeeMultiplier,
    taikoL2:                 opts.TaikoL2,

corsOrigins := opts.CorsOrigins
if corsOrigins == nil {
    corsOrigins = []string{"*"}


return srv, nil


// Start starts the HTTP server func (srv *Server) Start(address string) error { return srv.echo.Start(address) }

// Shutdown shuts down the HTTP server func (srv *Server) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) error { return srv.echo.Shutdown(ctx) }

// ServeHTTP implements the http.Handler interface which serves HTTP requests func (srv Server) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r http.Request) { srv.echo.ServeHTTP(w, r) }

// Health endpoints for probes func (srv *Server) Health(c echo.Context) error { return c.NoContent(http.StatusOK) }

func LogSkipper(c echo.Context) bool { switch c.Request().URL.Path { case "/healthz": return true case "/metrics": return true default: return true } }

func (srv *Server) configureMiddleware(corsOrigins []string) { srv.echo.Use(middleware.RequestID())

    Skipper: LogSkipper,
    Format: `{"time":"${time_rfc3339_nano}","level":"INFO","message":{"id":"${id}","remote_ip":"${remote_ip}",` + //nolint:lll
        `"host":"${host}","method":"${method}","uri":"${uri}","user_agent":"${user_agent}",` + //nolint:lll
        `"response_status":${status},"error":"${error}","latency":${latency},"latency_human":"${latency_human}",` +
        `"bytes_in":${bytes_in},"bytes_out":${bytes_out}}}` + "\n",
    Output: os.Stdout,

    AllowOrigins: corsOrigins,
    AllowHeaders: []string{echo.HeaderOrigin, echo.HeaderContentType, echo.HeaderAccept},
    AllowMethods: []string{http.MethodGet, http.MethodHead},
