tailhook / humantime

A parser and formatter for std::time::{SystemTime, Duration}
Apache License 2.0
283 stars 34 forks source link

Maintenance Status #31

Open pinkforest opened 1 year ago

pinkforest commented 1 year ago

Hi @tailhook just wondering what is the maintenance status around humantime ?

It's using rather old version of time ^0.1 ? the current 0.1 is 0.1.42 over 3 years ago - dev has moved to 0.3

Appreciate they are just development deps but anyways :woman_shrugging:

src/date.rs: let s = time::at_utc(time::Timespec { sec: sec as i64, nsec: 0 }) And rand would be best idea to bump to 0.8 .. 0.6 is using oudated deps

src/duration.rs:    use rand::Rng;
src/duration.rs:    fn random_second() {
src/duration.rs:            let sec = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0, 253_370_764_800);
src/duration.rs:    fn random_any() {
src/duration.rs:            let sec = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0, 253_370_764_800);
src/duration.rs:            let nanos = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0, 1_000_000_000);
src/date.rs:    use rand::Rng;
src/date.rs:    fn random_past() {
src/date.rs:            let sec = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0, upper);
src/date.rs:    fn random_wide_range() {
src/date.rs:            let sec = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0, max::SECONDS);

Could we bump time to ^0.3 and rand to ^0.8 - I sent a PR: https://github.com/tailhook/humantime/pull/32

guilload commented 1 year ago

@tailhook, could you add some maintainers to the project? I'm happy to help. @pinkforest, any interest?

pinkforest commented 1 year ago

I propose we fork and call it cyborgtime, I created cyborg-rs - have this idea to cybernetically enhanche maintenance chores :package:

If the maintainer wakes up they can propagate upstream

guilload commented 1 year ago

go for cyborgtime.