tailhook / humantime

A parser and formatter for std::time::{SystemTime, Duration}
Apache License 2.0
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Windows seems to lack nano Precision #38

Open pinkforest opened 1 year ago

pinkforest commented 1 year ago

This seems like a standard library / windows target feature ?


I had to work/around it in multi-platform CI:

I sent a PR to add CI which replicates the feature which the above action is from:

I'll send a PR to gate the test

       // TODO: precision bug / feature in Windows side !?                                                                                                           
       // https://github.com/pinkforest/humantime/actions/runs/5357555855/jobs/9718572323#step:4:96                                                             
        #[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
            format_rfc3339_nanos(UNIX_EPOCH +
                Duration::new(1_518_563_312, 789_456_123)).to_string(),
        #[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
            format_rfc3339_nanos(UNIX_EPOCH +
                Duration::new(1_518_563_312, 789_456_123)).to_string(),