tailhook / rust-quire

A YAML-based configuration library for Rust
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Item lists example, a wish #20

Open stappersg opened 4 years ago

stappersg commented 4 years ago


Here a wish for providing an example that handles item lists.

Example of item lists

  - Alice
  - Bob
  - Claire
  - David
  - Jeep
  - Landrover

How should the rust source code for reading that look like?

Regards Geert Stappers

stappersg commented 4 years ago

In #21 a first stab at it. Help is welcome.

stappersg commented 4 years ago

And there is now #24. Help is still welcome ...

stappersg commented 4 years ago

(Here the reporter of this issue ( so the main stake holder ))

My current plan is to explore another Rust library that can read / parse YAML configuration lists. And this issue update is to announce it. Because I felt obliged to tell why my silence here.