tailhook / vagga-box

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brew installs incompatible unison version #14

Open brabadu opened 5 years ago

brabadu commented 5 years ago


Linux distro inside virtualbox installs old version of unison (v2.48.xxx). While brew install something like 2.51.xxx. Those versions are incompatible.

Couldn't find a way to install older version of unison with brew. So I hacked unison recipe.


diff --git a/Formula/unison.rb b/Formula/unison.rb
index 8dbaec14..6e5690e5 100644
--- a/Formula/unison.rb
+++ b/Formula/unison.rb
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 class Unison < Formula
   desc "File synchronization tool for OSX"
   homepage "https://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/unison/"
-  url "https://github.com/bcpierce00/unison/archive/v2.51.2.tar.gz"
-  sha256 "a2efcbeab651be6df69cc9b253011a07955ecb91fb407a219719451197849d5e"
+  url "https://github.com/bcpierce00/unison/archive/v2.48.15v4.tar.gz"
+  #sha256 "a2efcbeab651be6df69cc9b253011a07955ecb91fb407a219719451197849d5e"

   bottle do
     cellar :any_skip_relocation

So now unison sync works fine

tailhook commented 5 years ago

We should probably put a formula somewhere, so you can brew tap. Not sure how hard is this.

brabadu commented 5 years ago

Well, here's quick-n-dirty tap https://github.com/evo-company/homebrew-tap

brew tap evo-company/homebrew-tap
brew install evo-company/homebrew-tap/unison